ECE 48300 - Digital Control Systems Analysis and Design
Typical Design Problems 1) Parameters in a difference equation model are estimated by the least-squared error method and the system is simulated 2) A controller (usually PLD) for a nonlinear system is designed and simulated. The use of MatLab is encouraged.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
- EE Elective
- CMPE Selective - Special Content
Normally Offered:
Each Spring
On-campus only
ECE 38200
Catalog Description:
The course introduces feedback computer controlled systems, the components of digital control systems, and system models on the z-domain (z-transfer functions) and on the time domain (state variable representations). The objectives for system design and evaluation of system performance are considered. Various discrete-time controllers are designed including PID-controllers, state and output feedback controllers, and reconstruction of states using observers. The systems with the designed controllers are tested by simulations.
Required Text(s):
- Digital Control System Analysis and Design , 3rd Edition , C. L. Phillips and H. T. Nagle , Prentice Hall , 1994 , ISBN No. 013309832X
Recommended Text(s):
Learning Outcomes:
- an understanding of digital feedback control systems. [None]
- a knowledge of constructing discrete-time mathematical model system. [None]
- a knowledge of analyzing the system behavior using discrete-time model and evaluating the system performance. [None]
- a knowledge to use controller design techniques to make the system behavior satisfy specified design objectives. [None]
- an ability to evaluate and test the system performance using digital simulations. [None]
Lecture Outline:
Lectures | Topic(s) |
1 | Introduction |
6 | State Variables, Discrete-Time Systems and the Z-Transform |
4 | Sampling and Reconstruction |
5 | Open-Loop Discrete-Time Systems |
3 | Closed-Loop Systems |
3 | System Time-Response Characteristics |
9 | Stability Analysis Techniques |
9 | Digital Controller Design |
2 | Pole-Assignment Design and State |
3 | Three Exams |
Assessment Method: