ECE 43300 - Power Electronics
This course will be offered as ECE 31033 starting Fall 2023 semester.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
- EE Elective
Normally Offered:
Each Spring
On-campus only
ECE 20002 or ECE 25500
Requisites by Topic:
Undergraduate Electronics Course
Catalog Description:
Introduction to the fundamental operating principles of power conditioning circuits that are currently being used to effect power flow from ac to dc and vice versa. Emphasis is on the relationship between form and function of these circuits. Circuits discussed will include ac/dc line-cummutated converters, dc/dc converters, dc/variable frequency converters, resonant converters, and ac/ac converters. Computer simulations will be used as a part of the course work.
Course Objectives:
To introduce the fundamental principles of operation of power conditioning circuits, concentrating on the relationship between form and function.
Required Text(s):
- Power Electronics , Daniel W. Hart , McGraw Hill , 2010 , ISBN No. 978-0-07-338067-4
Recommended Text(s):
- Fundamentals of Power Electronics , R. Erickson and W. Maksimovic , Springer , 2004 , ISBN No. 0-7923-7270-0
- Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design , Ned Mohan , John Wiley , 2003 , ISBN No. 0-471-58408-8
Learning Outcomes:
- an understanding of the relationships between form and function and the roles played by various circuit components in ac-dc, dc-dc, and dc-ac converters. [1,2]
- a knowledge of the basic characteristics of switch types and classification of converters. [1]
- a knowledge of control and switching techniques, and operating principles of ac-dc, dc-dc, and dc-ac converters. [1]
- a knowledge of the methods of sizing the switching and energy storage elements in ac-dc, dc-dc, and dc-ac converters. [1,2]
Lecture Outline:
Lectures | Major Topics |
1 | Introduction to the fields of applications |
3 | Characterization of switch types and classification of inverters Semiconductor Devices/Interface Issues |
12 | Dc-Dc Converters: circuit configurations, isolated and non-isolated step-down and step-up converters, small ripple approximation, inductor volt-sec balance and capacitor charge balance equations, sizing the inductors and capacitors, design of inductor and capacitors. |
8 | Dc-Ac inverters: Basics of operation of H-bridge Voltage Sourced Inverters (VSI) (modulation strategies, Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) of an H-bridge inverter, analysis of harmonic spectrum), three-phase VSIs (PWM strategies, harmonic spectrum and distortion), current controlled VSIs. |
6 | Half-bridge and full bridge diode rectifiers, harmonic distortion of rectifiers and effects, effect of non-ideal AC source on the operation of diode-bridge rectifiers. |
7 | Three-phase thyristor based converters |
6 | Practical considerations: gate drivers, types of commutation circuits, snubbing, and thermal management, heatsink design and filtering |
2 | Exams |
Engineering Design Content:
- Establishment of Objectives and Criteria
- Synthesis
- Analysis