ECE 20200 - Linear Circuit Analysis II

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Counts as:

  • EE Core
  • CMPE Core

Normally Offered:

Each Fall, Spring, Summer


ECE 20100 Minimum Grade of C and (MA 26200 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 26600 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 366 [may be taken concurrently]).

Requisites by Topic:

Prerequisites: Elementary linear circuit analysis including dc, transient, and phasor techniques. Concurrent Prerequisites: Differential equations.

Catalog Description:

Continuation of ECE 20100. Use of Laplace Transform techniques to analyze linear circuits with and without initial conditions. Characterization of circuits based upon impedance, admittance, and transfer function parameters. Determination of frequency response via analysis of poles and zeroes in the complex plane. Relationship between the transfer function and the impulse response of a circuit. Use of continuous time convolution to determine time domain responses. Properties and practical uses of resonant circuits and transformers. Input - output characterization of a circuit as a two-port. Low and high-pass filter design.

Required Text(s):

  1. Linear Circuit Analysis; The Time Domain, Phasor and Laplace Transform Approach , 3rd Edition , DeCarlo & Lin , Kendall Hunt , 2009 , ISBN No. 9780757564994

Recommended Text(s):

  1. Linear Circuit Analysis - Vol. 1 & 2 , R. DeCarlo and P. M. Lin , Oxford University Press , ISBN No. 0195152530
  2. MatLab: Student Version , Current Edition , The MathWorks, Inc.

Learning Outcomes:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
  1. an ability to compute impedances and admittances of components and circuits. [1]
  2. an ability to compute responses of linear circuits with and without initial conditions via one-sided Laplace transform techniques. [1]
  3. an ability to compute responses to linear circuits using transfer function and convolution techniques. [1]
  4. an ability to analyze and compute responses of linear circuits containing mutually coupled inductors and ideal transformers in the s-domain. [1]
  5. an ability to analyze basic two port circuits using the various types of two port parameters and be able to construct such parameters from a given circuit. [1]
  6. an ability to analyze and design basic LP, BP, HP and resonant circuits in the s-domain. [1]

Lecture Outline:

Period Topic
1 Laplace Transforms: Signals, Definition, Simple transforms
2 Laplace transform; transforms of basic signals
3 Inverse transform, partial fraction expansion
4 Basic properties of the Laplace transform
5 Solution of integral-differential equations
6 Impedance Z(s) and Admittance Y(s)
7 Transfer function H(s)
8 Equivalent circuits for L and C with initial conditions
9 Nodal and mesh analyses in the s-domain
10 Switching in linear circuits
11 Switched capacitor circuits
12 Exam #1
13 H(s), poles, zeroes, s-plane plot and stability
14 Decomposition of the complete response
15 Sinusoidal steady state analysis
16 Frequency response H(jw)
17 Frequency and magnitude scaling
18 Impulse response h(t): step response, initial/final value theorems
19 Time Domain Convolution: definition & integral evaluation
20 Graphical convolution
21 Convolution algebra
22 Basic Band Pass Transfer Functions/Circuits
23 Exam #2
24 BP TF cont. & Approx. Analysis of Practical BP Circuits
25 Approximate Analysis continued
26 Resonance and Applications
27 LP Filter Basics, Butterworth Approximation
28 Butterworth Approx. Cont., Passive Realization
29 LP Butterworth Active Realization
30 HP Basics & Passive Realization
31 Biquad Realization of General 2nd Order H(s)/HP Active Realization
32 Active Realization Continued
33 Mutual Inductance: dot convention and diff eq model
34 Mutual Inductance: s-domain models & applications
35 Coefficient of Coupling: stored energy
36 Ideal Transformer
37 Exam #3
38 Coupled inductors modeled with ideal transformers
39 One port networks
40 Two ports: y-parameters
41 z-parameters
42 h-parameters, t-parameters
43 Interconnection of 2-Ports
44 Indefinite Admittance Matrix
Final Exam

Assessment Method:
