ECE 41400 - Elements of Electro And Fiber Optics


Will be offered fall only semesters effective fall 2016.

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Counts as:

  • EE Elective
  • CMPE Selective - Special Content

Normally Offered:

Each Fall


On-campus only


ECE 30100 and (ECE 30411 or ECE 31100)

Catalog Description:

Introduction to the use of lasers, fiber and integrated optical components and devices in communication and sensory applications. Topics include generation, transformation, modulation, deflection and detection of laser beams and their applications in fiber communication and sensory systems.

Course Objectives:

The course begins with a brief introduction to lasers and fibers and concentrates its attention to their use in communication and other electrical engineering applications. Topics are selected to emphasize the application of prerequisite material in electrophysics and systems areas of modern devices and systems.

Required Text(s):

  1. Fundamentals of Photonics , 2nd Edition , Bahaa E. A. Saleh & Malvin Carl Teich , Wiley-Interscience , 2007 , ISBN No. 978-0471358329

Recommended Text(s):


Learning Outcomes:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
  1. an ability to model laser beams and the transformation of laser beams. [1]
  2. a knowledge of the operations of gas lasers, semiconductor lasers and light emitting diodes. [1]
  3. a knowledge of optical detection schemes and the operations of optical detectors. [1]
  4. an understanding of the optic fiber properties. [1]
  5. a knowledge of key components of optical fiber communication systems. [1]

Lecture Outline:

Week Topic
1 Overview of the course
6 Laser beams and transformation of beams Ray matrices Gaussian beams Transformation of Gaussian beams by simple lenses Spatial filtering Measurements and applications
6 Introduction to lasers Review of energy levels Transition between energy levels and population inversion Rate equation for three and four level systems Longitudinal modes of optical cavities Brief survey of laser systems
6 Semiconductor injection lasers, SLD's and LED's Homostructure and heterostructures Basic parameters of semiconductor light source Light emitting diodes Direct modulation of semiconductor injection lasers Material considerations and fabrication Short wavelength and long wavelength laser diodes Superluminescent diodes Basic parameters of semiconductor light source
3 Detection and detectors Types and detectors Characterization of detectors Indirect and direct detection schemes Noise
5 Modulations and deflection of beams Electro-opitc, acousto-optic and magneto-optic effects Phase modulation Amplitude modulation Bandwidth and power considerations Bragg diffraction Resolvable spots
5 Elements of thin-film waveguides and optical fibers Thin-film waveguides Optical fibers Characteristics and classification of fibers Fabrication of fibers and material considerations
6 Applications of fibers in communication systems Optical fibers for long distance communication Optical fibers in short haul applications
3 Application of fibers in sensory systems Optical fibers as temperature and actoustic field sensors Optical fibers as electric and magnetic field sensors Optical fiber gyroscopes
3 Tests

Assessment Method:
