ECE 496A - Teaching Practicum
Course Details
Credits: 0
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Fall 2007
Catalog Description:
Formal supervision and evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching Assistants hired for ECE 270. Requires presentation of "mini-lectures" and demonstrations for each lab experiment, as well as creation of updated materials for the laboratory (tutorials, experiments, lab practical exams).
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
Learning Outcomes:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
- An ability to communicate effectively, in both oral and written form. [g]
Lab Outline:
Week(s) | Lab Experiments |
1 | Lab Organization |
2 | Demonstration of Basic Logic Functions |
3 | Measurement of Gate Electrical Characteristics |
4 | Measurement of Gate Timing Characteristics |
5 | Implementation of Dual and Complement Functions |
6 | Investigation of Timing Hazards |
7 | Introduction to isp Lever and Programmable Logic Devices |
8 | 7-Segment Alphabetic Decoder |
9 | Two's Complement 4-bit Magnitude Comparator |
10 | Introduction to Sequential Circuits |
11 | State Machine |
12 | Combination Lock |
13 | 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit with Condition Codes |
14 | Simple Computer |
15 | Lab Practical Exam |
Engineering Design Content:
- Synthesis
- Analysis
- Construction
- Testing
Engineering Design Consideration(s):
- Economic
Assessment Method: