ECE 595M - Modeling and Simulation of Multidisciplinary Systems
Purpose of the course: Physical systems are becoming increasingly multidisciplinary. Design and development is now viewed as a problem in systems, requiring a systems perspective. This is because subsystem components designed by specialists often do not work as efficiently or as robustly as a comparable system designed in a unified way. So, today's engineer must be technically competent beyond his or her own discipline.
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Spring 2007
Catalog Description:
In this course, we examine the latest methods in modeling and simulation of complex engineering systems. We use a unified energy-based approach to systematically model systems that are comprised of constrained electrical, mechanical, thermal, and fluid components. Simulation is based on numerical solution of nonlinear differential algebraic equations (DAEs). Systematic modeling is based on DAE forms of Hamilton's and Lagrange's equation. Such DAE forms readily accommodate dissipation, nonholonomic equality constraints, time-varying parameters, nonlinearities, and excess coordinates. We also incorporate such topics as reduced order modeling of finite element models, hybrid systems, genetic programming, and system of systems.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
- Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations , 1st Edition , Kathryn E. Brenan, S. L. Campbell, L. R. Petzold , SIAM , 1995 , ISBN No. 0898713536
Learning Outcomes:
- an ability to create systematic, multidisciplinary models using energy functions, virtual work, and constraints of components and systems. [None]
- an ability to design complex engineered systems in the form of DAEs. [None]
- an ability to numerically solve and assess the reliability of the resulting DAEs. [None]
Lecture Outline:
Week(s) | Topics |
1 | Introduction to modeling and simulation of multidisciplinary systems; Fundamentals of unified system dynamics |
1 | Representation of motion; Constraints |
1 | Variational Concepts; Geometry of constraint |
2 | Derivation of Lagrangian differential algebraic equations of motion; Derivation of Hamiltonian differential algebraic equations of motion |
3 | Modeling multidisciplinary systems |
2 | Simulating Multidisciplinary Systems |
2 | Numerical Methods, Part 1: ODEs |
3 | Numerical Methods, Part 2: DAEs |
Assessment Method:
There will be two midterm exams (2 x 12.5%), a final exam (25%), a term project (25%), and homework & quizzes (25%).