ECE 55700 - Integrated Circuit/MEMS Fabrication Laboratory
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 5 Credits: 3
Areas of Specialization:
- Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
Counts as:
- EE Adv Level Lab
- CMPE Selective - Special Content
Normally Offered:
Each Fall, Spring
On-campus and online
ECE 30500
Catalog Description:
Laboratory exercises in the fabrication and testing of silicon integrated circuits and MEMS devices. Two test chips are fabricated and tested, i.e. (i) diode test chip, and (ii) MOSFET test chip OR a MEMS switch test chip. Laboratory technique, the technology of integrated circuit and MEMS fabrication, and device characterization are emphasized. Computer simulation is performed with the projects.
Required Text(s):
- Fabrication Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale , 4th Edition , S.A. Campbell , Oxford University Press , 2012 , ISBN No. 9780199861224
Recommended Text(s):
- Fundamentals of Microfabrication , 2nd Edition , M. Madou , CRC Press
- Micromachined Transducers Source Book , G. Kovacs , McGraw Hill
- Microsystem Design , S. Senturia , Kluwer Academic Press
- Modular Series on Solid State Devices, Volume V: Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication , Richard C Jaeger , Addison-Wesley , 1988
- Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era , S. Wolf and R. N. Tauber , Lattice Press
- VLSI Technology , S. M. Sze , McGraw-Hill
Learning Outcomes
Students should leave the course with the ability to:
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of silicon electronic device and MEMS device fabrication processes
- Demonstrate good laboratory procedures and laboratory notebook maintenance
- Demonstrate hands on experience and working knowledge of microelectronics or MEMS processing steps and process modules
- Demonstrate hands on experience and working knowledge of electronic or MEMS device testing and characterization
Lecture Outline:
Week | Topic |
1 | Course/Lab Introduction |
2 | Overview of Microelectronic and MEMS Fabrication |
3 | Electronic Device Fundamentals |
4 | Oxidation |
5 | Diffusion |
6 | Ion Implant |
7 | Lithography |
8 | Etching |
9 | Thin films |
10 | Simulation/SUPREM/MINIMOS/ANSYS |
11 | MEMS Processing Modules 1 |
12 | MEMS Processing Modules 2 |
13 | BioMEMS Processing Modules |
14 | MEMS Device Examples |
15 | Manufacturing and Yield |
Lab Outline:
Week | Topic |
1-9 | 3 mask diode fabrication process |
7-15 | 4 mask PMOS fabrication process OR 4 mask MEMS metal cantilever/switch fabrication process |
Assessment Method:
The course outcomes listed above will be assessed using the following specific methods:
First outcome will be tested through HWs and final exams
Second outcome will be assessed via laboratory use and checking the lab notebook
Third and fourth outcomes will be assessed via laboratory procedures and project reports