ECE 595S - Electric Drive Systems
Course Details
Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Counts as:
Experimental Course Offered:
Fall 2001
Catalog Description:
This is an advanced undergraduate / beginning level graduate course focusing on electric drive systems (power electronics driven electromechanical devices). The focus of the course will include permanent magnet synchronous machine and induction motor drives. There will be a heavy emphasis on operation, physical modeling, and applied control.
Required Text(s):
Recommended Text(s):
- Notes to be provided
Learning Outcomes:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated an ability to:
- model and simulate electric drive systems. [a,b,e]
- design modulation strategies for power electronics converters. [c,e]
- design appropriate current/voltage regulators for electric drivers. [c,e]
- design appropriate supervisory (example torque) control algorithms. [c,e]
- design speed and position controls for systems using electric drives. [c,e]
Lecture Outline:
Lectures | Topic (30 lecture periods at 2 per week) |
3 | Reference Frame Theory |
2 | Fully-Controlled Bridge Converters |
5 | Modulation Techniques |
3 | Voltage and Current Regulation |
3 | Review of Induction Machines |
2 | Volt/hertz Induction Motor Drives |
5 | Indirect and Direct Field Oriented Control |
1 | Optimal Control of Induction Motor Drives |
1 | Review of SMPM Machines |
5 | Control of SMPM Drives |
Lab Outline:
Periods | Topic (15 laboratory periods at 1 per week) |
1 | Laboratory Safety & Introduction |
1 | High Power Measurements and Data Acquisition |
1 | Operation of the Six Step Inverter |
1 | Modulation Techniques |
2 | Voltage/Current Control Techniques |
2 | Induction Machine Characterization |
2 | Induction Machine Volts per Hertz Control |
2 | Induction Machine Constant Slip Control |
1 | SMPM Characterization |
2 | Field Weakened SMPM Drive |
Assessment Method: