ECE 20007 - Electrical Engineering Fundamentals I Lab

Course Details

Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 1

Counts as:

  • EE Core
  • CMPE Core

Normally Offered:

Each Fall, Spring, Summer


On-campus and online


ECE 20001 [may be taken concurrently]

Catalog Description:

This course is focused on introducing students in the area of analog and digital electronics through experimental exercises. In the first part of the course students learn how to conduct a variety of measurements including voltage, current, impedance, frequency, and waveform measurements. In the second part they learn how to design and measure basic circuit elements (resistors, inductors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors) and their applications (e.g. waveform generators, amplifiers, digital logic).

Required Text(s):


Recommended Text(s):

  1. A lab manual will be provided for students

Learning Outcomes:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated an ability to:
  1. competently select, use, and automate electronic measurement instruments. [1,6]
  2. design, wire, and troubleshoot electronic circuits. [1,6]
  3. simulate electronic circuits. [1,6]
  4. keep a laboratory notebook and prepare a formal laboratory report. [3]
  5. function on an interdisciplinary team that draws on diverse backgrounds. [5]
  6. design, build, and test resistor-inductor-capacitor, operational amplifier, etc. circuits to meet specifications. [1,6]
  7. demonstrate knowledge of laboratory safety precautions. [2]

Lab Outline:

Lab Activity
1 Ohm's law
2 Time-varying Ohm's law
3 The Oscilloscope
4 Oscilloscope triggering
5 Superposition and equivalent circuits
6 Lab Practical I
7 Inductors and capacitors
8 Step response and timing circuits
9 Passive Filters
10 Transformers
11 Sensors
12 Diodes
13-14 Rectifiers and Voltage Regulation
15 Lab practical 2

Engineering Design Content:

  • Analysis

Assessment Method:

Outcomes will be assessed through reports, prelabs, lab practicals, project demonstration and a formal report