Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for the Professional MSBME in Biomedical Device Development (with optional industry immersion) can be calculated using the Tuition and Fee Rate Calculator. The Professional Master's in Biomedical Engineering follows Purdue's standard tuition rate and does not follow a professional rate.

Cost of Attendance

Funding Options

Financial Aid

Because this is a one-year Professional Master’s Degree Program, Teaching and Research Assistantships are not available for students in this program. Purdue undergrads applying to the Professional Master’s Degree Program are eligible to serve as Resident Assistants if they have lived for a year in a Purdue residence hall. These positions provide room and board and a monthly stipend. Applications are due Nov. 1 each year.

Professional Master’s Degree students may also wish to explore scholarship opportunities.

The GEM Consortium offers several fellowships for graduating seniors who plan to enter graduate school in science or engineering fields. Applicants need to be U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents. Candidates should be members of one of the following underrepresented groups: American Indian/Native, African American/Black, Hispanic American/Latino/a.