Grad Student Research Seminar--BME Bytes



No matter a PhD student’s career path, a critical skill to develop is the ability to disseminate their work via oral presentations to a broad audience.  The research presentation requirement provides our students with a relatively low-pressure environment to gain experience with conference style presentations to a broad audience, which helps to improve oral presentation skills.


All PhD students will present their research to a wide audience during the fall semester of their third year.  

It is not a requirement for the scheduled seminar speakers to register for BME69000 unless they plan to use BME Bytes Seminar to meet a requirement.


Students are required to present a 15-20 min conference-style presentation that is well organized and accessible to the breadth of areas within BME. Students receive constructive feedback from all attendees regarding their research, presentation content and style, and ability to address questions. Audience members will fill out a rubric so that presenters can recieve constructive feedback on their presentations. 


Fearnot-Laufman-Greatbatch Award:

The Fearnot-Laufman-Greatbatch Award will be presented to the student who gives the most outstanding presentation of the academic year. Dr. Neal Fearnot established this award based on his belief and experience that this seminar is a very valuable opportunity for students. the selection is determined by evaluations submitted by faculty, students, and staff in attendance at the seminars. The prize is $250 (minus taxes), an individual plaque, and the winner's name engraved on a permanent plaque on display in the Martin C. Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering.