BME Preliminary Proposal Evaluation Form

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Student Name: ______________________________     Date: ____________

Thesis Committee Member Name: __________________________________

Please rate the preliminary proposal for:




Very good






















Please assign an overall rating to the Preliminary Proposal: __/5

1 poor  -          multiple major deficiencies exist that must be addressed

2  fair -            lacking in one or more critical aspects; key issues to be addressed

3  good -          all critical aspects addressed although there is room for improvement

4 very good -   all critical aspects addressed in a sufficient manner, minor improvements could be made

5 excellent -    all critical aspects covered with substantial detail, depth, and professionalism.  No improvements suggested


Please provide feedback for the student on their proposal for future research.

Comments on potential importance and impact of the proposed work:



Comments on the technical merit of the proposed work:



Comments on feasibility of completion of proposed work within 1 to 2 years:



Comments on written communication: