Applying for a Graduate Certificate

You will apply through Purdue University's Graduate School On-line Application for both the on-campus and online options. This is the same application that you apply to grad degree programs in and it will appear as though you are applying to the Graduate School as a regular graduate student (even though you may already be enrolled in the Graduate School through another department). If you are applying to Graduate School at the same time as applying for the certificate, you can apply using one application (and only pay one fee).  You will need to list the certificate program as your second choice.  If an application has already been submitted, you will need to create a new application. 

Once in the application, you will choose the following:

  • Provide Applicant Information - Personal Background, Emergency Contact, Residency
  • Campus and Program
    • Campus: Select “West Lafayette”
    • Proposed Graduate Major: Select “Biomedical Engineering”
    • Area of Interest: Certificate
    • Degree Objective: Select “Regulatory Affairs and Regulatory Science in Medical Devices Certificate”
    • Course Delivery: Select: residential or distance
    • Entry Term: Select Term you would like to start
  • Education Background – add institution of where your awarded Baccalaureate was received
  • Additional Information – Leave blank
  • Employment – Add work experience
  • Statement of Purpose – Not required
  • Resume Upload
  • Recommendations –
    • Current Purdue WL students: not required, see explanation below
    • All other applicants: 1 letter of recommendation
  • Acknowledgments

Pay the nonrefundable application fee by credit card. The Graduate School degree application fee is $60 (U.S. dollars) for domestic applicants and $75 (U.S. dollars) for international applicants.

Statement of Purpose Essay is not required for Graduate Certificate admission.

If the application is requiring recommenders from current Purdue West Lafayette students, please enter the following contact details for each recommender, Tammy Siemers (

Submit an official transcript for every college or university attended. In addition to the transcript(s) you will upload to the application, you must also submit either a hard-copy to the address listed below or an e-transcript (sent by the University’s Registrar e-parchment services) to

Transcripts not written in English must be submitted with a certified English translation. Uploaded documents must be from the official version of the academic record/transcript. Social Security numbers must be marked out before any document is uploaded.

If degree/date awarded not listed on transcript, a copy of the original diploma must be made and verified by one of the following: the institution that issued the diploma, the employer, an official such as a lawyer (notarized), or an upper level financial institution employee (notarized). The verifier must write “This is a true original copy of the diploma for (applicant’s full name)” on the copy, and include their name, title, phone, and email address on the copy. The copy cannot be faxed or sent over email, it must be mailed to the graduate program.

You may check the status of your submitted application by logging into your online application.

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Request Information for Residential

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