Sample Courses in the Quantitative/Analytical Competency Area
Courses provide additional graduate level training in Advanced Math, Numerical Methods, Quantitative Analyses, and/or Data Science – should ideally include at least one course in statistics.
- Not Approved: Courses that can't be utilized to meet competency requirements
- BME Sample Courses
- Life Science Sample Courses
- Other Related Graduate Training Sample Courses (PhD only)
- Regulatory Affairs and Professional Skills Sample Courses (Professional MS only)
Other or Graduate Electives for Specialization (Thesis MS and Professional MS only)
- There are no sample courses for these requirements as they can be any grad level course that makes sense for your professional goals
Purdue West Lafayette Courses
Example of Acceptable Courses | Course Name |
AAE 55400 | Fatigue Struct & Matls |
BME 59500 (BME 50100) | Biostatistics |
BME 59500 (BME 51100) | Biomedical Signal Processing |
BME 59500 | Continuum Models Biomed Engr |
BME 69500 | Model Based Image Processing |
BME 69500 | Numerical Methods In BME |
BME 69500 | Multiscale Modeling |
BME 69500 | Quantitative Systems Biology |
CHE 63000 | Applied Math Chem Engr |
CS 51400 | Numerical Analysis |
CS 57800 | Statistical Machine Learning |
CS 59000 | Computing for Life Sciences |
ECE 57000 | Artificial Intelligence |
ECE 60000 | Random Variables |
ECE 60200 | Lumped System Theory |
ECE 60400 | Electromagnetic Field Theory |
ECE 63700 | Digital Image Proc I |
ECE 64100 | Digital Image Proc II |
ECE 64500 | Estimation Theory |
ECE 69500 | Sprse Modeling Algs Stat Learn |
IE 53300 | Ind Application Stat |
IE 58000 | Systems Simulation |
MA 51000 | Vector Calculus |
MA 51100 | Linear Algebra Appl |
MA 51400 | Numerical Analysis |
MA 52500 | Intro Complex Anly |
MA 52700 | Adv Math Engr Phys I |
MA 52800 | Adv Math Engr Phys II |
MA 59800 | Intro to Math in Biology |
ME 58000 | Nonlinear Engr Systems |
ME 58700 | Engineering Optics |
ME 61200 | Continuum Mechanics |
ME 69700 | Micro/Nanofluidics |
MSE 59700 | Mechanical Properties and Behaviors of Polymers |
PHYS 60000 | Methods Theoret Phys I |
PHYS 60100 | Methods Theoret II |
STAT 51400 | Design Of Experiment |
STAT 51700 | Statistical Inference |
STAT 51900/MA 51900 | Intro To Probability |
STAT 52400 | Appl Multiv Analysis |
STAT 52800 | Intro Math Stat |
STAT 52900 | Bayesian Appl Dec Thy |
STAT 53200 | Elem Stochastic Proc |
STAT 55300 | Linear Models |
STAT 69500 | D&R Big Data High Comp Cmplxty |
Purdue Indianapolis Courses
Example of Acceptable Courses | Course Name |
BME 59500 | Experimental Methods in BME |
BME 59500 | Neural Engineering |
ECE 53800 | Digital Signal Processing |
ECE 57000 | Artificial Intelligence |
ECE 60000 | Random Variable and Signals |
ECE 62900 | Introduction to Neural Networks |
ME 59700 | Finite Element Analysis |