Center for Surface Engineering and Enhancement

Purdue University's vision to be the leading industry-university research alliance for the metal surface finishing industry is the Center for Surface Engineering and Enhancement (CSEE). The goals of the center are to serve consortium members’ needs, establish a knowledge base, and educate the future leaders of the industry.

The research capabilities of CSEE are available to industries and government agencies. Pre-competitive research is available to member groups as well as specific and proprietary research for individual organizations. The program offers access to test equipment, research staff and disciplines that most companies do not have.

Research will be defined by the participating groups or organizations. The research will be conducted by undergraduate and graduate students seeking industry positions and the research programs will be under the leadership of member selected Purdue faculty.

"As a Purdue alumnus, I am pleased and honored to be a part of the CSEE program. As a manufacturer, I’m eager to have access to research on topics that have interested me for years. Finally, theory will become practice and we will be able to commercialize these ideas,”

- Jack Champaigne, President of Electronics Inc.

Member Benefits

Member Login

CSEE Membership Level Benefits v2

CSEE Brochure v2

Sponsored Programs

Project 1: Integration of multifunctional ceramic nanocomposite coatings on irregular surfaces

Project 2: Effect of Advanced Drilling Processes on Fatigue Life and Surface Quality

CSEE Related Undergraduate Programs


Electronics Inc: Surface Enhancement of Weld Metallurgy for Infrastructure and Related Applications

Electronics Inc Webinar

JM Canty: Image Analysis, Characterization, and Methods Development for Shot Peening

JM Canty Webinar

Medtronic: Surface Processing of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Pacemaker Shields

Medtronic Webinar


Cummins: Characterization of PVD Coatings in High Pressure Diesel Fuel Injection Systems


Cummins: Shot Peening Effects on Residual Stress in Heat Treated Steel for High Pressure Diesel Fuel Injection Systems

Thank you to our members!

American Axle Manufacturing
Electronics Inc
Engineered Abrasives
Praxair Surface Technologies - Linde
Progressive Surface
Sinto America
Toyo Seiko North America
Lite Magnesium
California Pellet Mill

If you are interested in learning more about CSEE, please contact:

Mark Gruninger, Managing Director of Industrial Consortia

Robyn Jakes, Chief Development Officer