• 2016

    Congrats Professor Wang

    Haiyan Wang is appointed as the Basil S. Turner Professor of Engineering

  • 2012

    Setting the Bahr

    Dave Bahr is appointed head of MSE.

  • 2008

    Congrats Professor Handwerker

    Carol A. Handwerker is designated as the first Reinhardt Schuhmann Jr Professor of Materials

  • 2007

    Bowman’s Target

    Keith J. Bowman is appointed the head of MSE.

  • 2007

    Moving to Anticipate Growth

    The MSE Faculty and staff moves to the new Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering (ARMS)

  • 2004

    Congrats Professor Pipes

    R. Byron Pipes is appointed as John L. Bray Distinguished Professor of Engineering

  • 2002

    Congrats Professor Sands

    Timothy D. Sands is appointed as the Basil S. Turner Professor of Engineering

  • 1999

    A. King in Charge

    Alexander H. King is appointed the head of MSE


  • 1999

    New Degree

    The M.S. Met.E. degree is changed to read M.S.MSE (M.S. Materials Science Engineering)

  • 1993

    Honorary Doctorate

    R. Schuhmann Jr was awarded an honorary doctorate by Purdue University for his exceptional contributions in the field of Materials Science and Engineering as well as his contributions to Purdue University.

  • 1992

    Congrats Professor Bement

    Arden L. Bement Jr. is appointed as the Basil S. Turned Distinguished Professor of Engineering and director of the Midwest Superconductivity Consortium

  • 1991

    Return to MSE

    The Class of 1941 who were the first group of 22 students to receive the B.S. Met.E. Degree celebrate their 50th anniversary of their graduation

  • 1990

    The Next Step

    New curriculum is established in Materials Engineering creating a new degree name

  • 1989

    MSE Astronaut

    The Astronaut Michael J. McCulley (70’ MSE Alumni) piloted the space shuttle Atlantis that launched the interplanetary probe, Galileo

  • 1988


    The Reinhardt Schuhmann Jr. Laboratory is dedicated in honor of the founding head of the school

  • 1988

    A New Home

    THE MSE faculty and staff is moved to the new Materials Science and Electrical Engineering (MSEE) building from the CMET Building


  • 1984

    Congratulations Professor Sato

    Professor Hiroshi Sato is named the Ross Professor of Engineering

  • 1978

    Liedl at the Helm

    Gerald L. Liedl is appointed head.

  • 1974

    The Vest Years

    Robert W. Vest is appointed head.

  • 1973

    The New Name

    The name of the school is changed to School of Materials Engineering.
  • 1972

    A New Appointment

    Robert W. Vest is appointed the first Basil S. Turner Professor of Engineering

  • 1966

    The Turner Laboratory

    The Turner Laboratory for Electroceramics is established for graduate students of Electrical Engineering and Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering

  • 1965

    The Grace Period

    Richard E. Grace became the head of the newly named School of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering.


  • 1959

    A New Era

    The School of Metallurgical Engineering (METE) was founded on July 1, 1959 with R.Schuhmann Jr. becoming the founding head of the school after it was decided from Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering.


  • 1947

    School Divided

    Randolph Norris Shreve became Head of the School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering after succeeding John Bray. 


    Shreve devived the School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering into three divsions:

    • Chemical
    • Metallurgical
    • Geology
  • 1941

    Our First Class

    The first class of B.S. Met. E. graduated in that consisted of just twenty-two students.

  • 1940

    A Place to Call Home

    1940 CMET Building was built anew across the Purdue Mall facing the School of Mechanical Engineering


  • 1938

    A Name Change

    The name of the school was changed to the School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering.

  • 1923

    The MSE Foundation

    The foundation for the development of a curriculum in the field of Metallurgy at Purdue University was laid by Professor John Leighton Bray who joined the School of Chemical Engineering.