Faculty Books Published

Keith J. Bowman, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Wiley, published 2004. For faculty adopting the book contact Keith Bowman for solutions.
Edwin García, "Microstructural Modeling of Multifunctional Material Properties: The OOF Project." R. Edwin García, Andrew C.E. Reid, Stephen A. Langer, and W. Craig Carter. Invited chapter in "Continuum Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials." Dierk Raabe, Franz Roters, Frédéric Barlat, Long-Qing Chen (eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. ISBN 3-527-30760-5.

second Revised Edition 2010, ISBN 978-1-55752-502-3.
R. Byron Pipes, "Experimental characterization of Advanced Composite Materials," Third Edition. Donald F. Adams, Leif A. Carlsson, and R. Byron Pipes. CRC Press. 2003. ISBN 1-58716-100-1. Also printed in Japanese and German.
R. Byron Pipes, "Experimental Mechanics of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials," Revised Edition, James M. Whitney, Isaac M. Daniel and R. Byron Pipes. Prentice Hall, Inc., ISBN 0-912053-01-1.
R. Byron Pipes, "Flow and Rheology in Polymer Composites Manufacturing," Series 13 Books edited by R. B. Pipes and S. G. Advani. Elsevier. ISBN Series: 0-444-42525-X.