Undergraduate Research
Over 20% of the current students in the School of Materials Engineering participate in undergraduate research with a faculty member during the semester, with over 70% participating at some point during their time at Purdue. MSE 499 provides the opportunity for laboratory and/or library research beyond the scope of the ordinary undergraduate curriculum, working in a research environment under the direct guidance of a faculty member. MSE 499 may be taken for 1, 2 or 3 credits in a given semester, and up to 6 credits of MSE 499 can count towards fulfilling a student's Technical Elective Program.
Interested in Undergraduate Research in MSE?
To enroll in MSE 499, your first step is to find a member of the faculty who is willing to supervise your research project. Next you should arrange a meeting with the faculty member to inquire if he/she is willing to act as your research advisor and discuss possible projects. After finding a faculty advisor, you should submit a petition to the Undergraduate Chairman for approval of your 499 project.