April 24, 2023

ECE launching campaign to raise funds for BHEE transformation

The renovation project will transform BHEE into a modern and world-class ECE facility, equipped with the latest technology and resources to enhance teaching, learning, and research, and accommodate and support Purdue ECE’s ever-increasing student enrollment and research needs.
a black and white photo of Ash, Max W, Maileen, and Max G Brown
Ash, Max W (BSEE '70), Maileen, and Max G Brown

The Purdue University Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering today is launching a fundraising campaign for the recently named Max W & Maileen Brown Family Hall (BHEE).

The naming is in recognition of a generous gift to Purdue ECE from Max W and Maileen Brown, and their children Max G, and Ash. Max W Brown is a 1970 Purdue graduate in electrical engineering. Max G and Ash also received degrees from Purdue. The campaign looks to raise additional funds in support of the naming for extensive renovations to BHEE.

Purdue’s School of Electrical Engineering was established in 1888. The program moved into the Electrical Engineering Building in 1924. The EE building received additions in 1932 and 1940, thanks to the generosity of Thomas Duncan, owner of nearby Duncan Electric Co. In 2022, the EE building was named Max W & Maileen Brown Family Hall (BHEE).

The renovation project will transform BHEE into a modern and world-class ECE facility, equipped with the latest technology and resources to enhance teaching, learning, and research, and accommodate and support Purdue ECE’s ever-increasing student enrollment and research needs. The renovated space will include cutting-edge undergraduate instructional labs, collaborative graduate research spaces, inviting student lounge, TA and student collaboration space, renovated restrooms, as well as improved accessibility and energy efficiency.

front entrance of the brown hall of electrical engineering on a sunny day, a women walks on the sidewalk
Brown Family Hall of Electrical Engineering (Photo by Rebecca Wilcox/Purdue University)
“Our vision is to transform the old ECE building into a best-in-class facility that inspires and empowers the next generation of leaders in ECE,” says Dan Jiao, Associate Head of Resource Planning and Management and Synopsys Professor of ECE. “We envision a space that is innovative, collaborative, and welcoming, where ECE’s proud history meets modern technology, and students engage in experiential learning and collaborative research and discovery.”
Renovations are expected to begin on May 2023, and be completed by August 2024. The fundraising campaign includes naming opportunities for several spaces:
  • Exploration Graduate Wing, which will provide high-quality, next-generation research spaces for graduate students and faculty in multiple disciplines to work collaboratively, conduct world-changing research, and solve grand challenges in engineering
  • Discovery Undergraduate Wing, featuring renovated instructional labs, a teaming studio, lounges, student-facing staff offices, and an electronics shop
  • Electronics Shop, a state-of-the art workshop that will offer a variety of equipment, tools, and materials for building and testing electronic circuits and systems, enabling students to turn their ideas into reality and explore the exciting and rapidly evolving field of ECE
  • Instructional Labs, with open and flexible layouts to support the growing number of students, will be equipped with the latest technology and tools and foster collaborative and innovative experiential learning
  • Student Lounge, which will provide a comfortable and relaxed environment for students to socialize, relax, grab a snack or coffee while taking a break from their study or research; and the TA and Student Collaboration Space, designed for teaching assistants (TAs) to meet students and hold office hours, will provide an open and welcoming space for students to study, work on assignments, and collaborate with peers while getting help from TAs.
“This is a rare opportunity to invest in our future students and modern engineering facilities that will serve them for decades.” said Dimitrios Peroulis, Michael and Katherine Birck Head and Reilly Professor of ECE. “Completing this project will contribute to the growth of our School, both in terms of impact and volume.”
For more information or to learn more about how you can support this exciting project, contact Sammie Chergo, Chief Development Officer and Executive Director of Regional Advancement for Purdue ECE at cmchergo@purdueforlife.org or 765-496-1922.
