Professor Dan Jiao and her group's work most frequently accessed article of IEEE Transitions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology
Prof. Dan Jiao and her group's work has been ranked No. 1 among the top 25 most frequently accessed articles of the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (
This work is titled "From Layout Directly to Simulation: A First-Principle-Guided Circuit Simulator of Linear Complexity and Its Efficient Parallelization" authored by Prof. Dan Jiao's PhD students Qing He, Duo Chen, and Prof. Dan Jiao, published in vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 687-699, April 2012.
In this paper, guided by electromagnetics-based first principles, the authors develop a transient simulator that allows for the simulation of an integrated circuit including both nonlinear devices and the layout of the linear network in linear complexity. The proposed circuit simulator rigorously captures the coupling between nonlinear circuits and the linear network. In addition, it bypasses the step of circuit extraction, producing a resistor-inductor-capacitor representation of the linear network without any numerical computation. Moreover, it permits an almost embarrassingly parallel implementation on a many-core computing platform, and hence enabling linear speedup. Application to die-package co-simulation as well as very large-scale on-chip circuits involving over 800,000 CMOS transistors and interconnects having hundreds of millions of unknowns has demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed first-principle-guided circuit simulator.