November 22, 2013

Graduate Student Ankit Jain selected to speak as "Bright Mind" at KAUST-NSF Conference

Graduate Student Ankit Jain
Graduate Student Ankit Jain
He is one of six students to be selected under the "Bright Mind" category. The conference will be held at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Graduate student Ankit Jain has been invited to speak at the KAUST-NSF Conference on Electronic Materials, Devices and Systems for Sustainable Future under the "Bright Mind" category. He is one of the six students to be selected under "Bright Mind". The conference will be held at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
Ankit Jain is working towards his PhD with Professor M. A. Alam. His research is in the inter-disciplinary area of micro-/nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). He works on the fundamental design considerations of MEMS/NEMS for novel more-than-moore applications. His research has resulted in two US patents, seven journal publications and has been discussed in various leading newspapers, websites and blogs.