ECE 69500 - Introduction to Haptics

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 1 Credits: 1

Counts as:

Experimental Course Offered:

Fall 2020

Requisites by Topic:

random variables and probability theory; Fourier analysis; introductory statistics; feedback control

Catalog Description:

Haptics refers to sensing and manipulation through the sense of touch. Modern haptics is concerned with the science, technology, and applications associated with the information acquisition and object manipulation through touch, including all aspects of manual exploration and manipulation by humans, machines and the interactions between the two, performed in real, virtual, teleoperate, or networked environments. This introductory course will provide graduate level students with a broad understanding of the many interdisciplinary topics in haptics research. Course materials will cover basic theories as well as examples of how haptics is being applied to industrial problems.

Required Text(s):


Recommended Text(s):


Lecture Outline:

Lectures Lecture Topics
1 Human haptics
2 Actuator technologies
3 Haptic rendering
4 Affective haptics