ECE 69500 - Fundamentals of Current Flow


This course is based on topics and will run the first 5 weeks of ECE 50653 offered every fall. This course is offered through PEO, or by distance learning for WL students only.

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 1 Credits: 1

Counts as:

Experimental Course Offered:

Fall 2018


Undergraduate degree in engineering or the physical sciences

Requisites by Topic:

Differential equations, Linear algebra

Catalog Description:

Traditional description of electronic motion through a solid is based on diffusive transport which means that the electron takes a random walk from the source to the drain. However, modern nanoelectronic devices often have channel lengths comparable to a mean free path so that electrons travel ballistically, or "like a bullet." This course provides a unified conceptual framework for ballistic and diffusive transport of both electrons and phonons, that is very different from what is taught in standard courses, but indispensable to understanding nanoelectronic devices.

Required Text(s):

  1. Lessons from Nanoelectronics, Part A: Basic Concepts , 2nd Edition , S. Datta , World Scientific , 2017

Recommended Text(s):


Lecture Outline:

Hours Topics
4 Ballistic and diffusive conductance
1 Exam 1
4 Density of states, number of modes, conductivity
1 Exam 2
4 Thermoelectric coefficients and thermal conductivity
1 Exam 3

Assessment Method:
