ECE 69500 - Theoretical Methods of Nanophotonics

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Counts as:

Experimental Course Offered:

Spring 2011


ECE 60400

Catalog Description:

The field of nanophotonics, that recently emerged from a renaissance in Electromagnetism research, owns its creation to the "transfer" of the ideas of solid-state physics to optics, and to the advances of nanofabrication that made such a connection possible. In this field, dealing with electromagnetic waves propagating in the media (artificially) structured on a subwavelength scale, the more than a century old analytical techniques that the students normally learn in advanced electromagnetic theory, aren't very successful. Instead, most of the "home runs" in nanophotonics, are associated with the theoretical methods borrowed from the solid state quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics: advanced linear algebra and group theory, Bloch theorem and conservation laws, perturbation methods, and tight-binding models and couple-mode theories. This course will cover these theoretical methods and demonstrate their applications to nanophotonics, from optical band gaps to nonlinear fibers to nanoplasmonics to metamaterials.

Required Text(s):

  1. Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light. , Joannopoulos, John D., Steven G. Johnson, Robert D. Meade, and Joshua N. Winn. , Princeton University Press , 2008 , ISBN No. 9780691124568

Recommended Text(s):

  1. Nanophotonics , 1st Edition , Paras N. Prasad , Wiley-Interscience , 2004 , ISBN No. 9780471649885

Lecture Outline:

Weeks Major Topics
1 Maxwell Equations and Optics
2-3 Linear Algebra and Group Theory
4 Translational symmetry and Bloch Theorem.
5-6 Photonics band gaps, defects and evanescent modes
6-7 Perturbation theory and its applications to photonic crystals and metamaterials
8 Haus coupled-mode theory
9 Waveguides and surface states
10 Plasmonics
11 Metamaterials and spatial dispersion
12 Quasistatic approximation for nanophotonic systems
13 Renormalization Group Theory
14-15 Numerical methods