Aishwarya Sharma

Aishwarya Sharma

The MSECE project track has helped me develop not only technical knowledge but also teamwork and leadership skills which will be valuable in my career as an engineer.

Name: Aishwarya Sharma

What is your area of interest within ECE? Computer Engineering

Why did you choose the Project Track?

I chose the project track because I wanted to gain experience in working on a long term project. I was also interested in the different aspects of developing/designing a product and all the steps to achieve that goal. I also wanted to develop entrepreneurship skills and learn about how an idea becomes an innovation!

What project did you work on?

I worked on a system for quick and reliable Forest Fire detection. The primary motivation for this project was the large amount of damage caused by Forest Fires in 2020.

What did you like about the program? What skills did you gain?

My favorite part of the program was developing the prototype and see the ideas turn into a tangible product! I gained leadership, communication and technical skills during the project.

How will earning the MSECE/participating in the project track help you reach your career goals?

The MSECE project track has helped me develop not only technical knowledge but also teamwork and leadership skills which will be valuable in my career as an engineer.

What advice would you give to a prospective student interested in the project track?

Dream big! Get involved in a project that really interests you!

In what industry do you hope to work after graduation?

I hope to work in the software industry.