121 - F. Pradelli, G. Minervini, P. Venkatesh, S. Azad, H. Gomez, S.C.E. Tosatto, Patient-specific modeling and simulation of tumor-induced angiogenesis in the human retina, submitted for publication, 2025.
120 - A. Srinivasan, M. de Lucio, S. Ghaffari, E.A.V Jones, H. Gomez, Data informed computational method to simulate flow and transport of interstitial chemical species during vascular remodeling, submitted for publication, 2025.
119 - S. Mukherjee, H. Gomez, Hydrodynamic cavitation with non-condensable gases: A thickened interface method with differentiable non-equilibrium thermodynamics based on van der Waals theory, submitted for publication, 2025.
118 - H. Wang, M. de Lucio, T. Hu, Y. Leng, H. Gomez, A MPET-mPBPK model for subcutaneous injection of biotherapeutics with different molecule sizes: from local scale to whole body scale, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 260, 108543, 2025.
117 - T. Hu, H. Gomez, Quo vadis, wave? Dispersive-SUPG for direct van der Waals simulation (DVS), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 433A, 117471, 2025.
116 - L.S. Queiroz, A. Berthome, F. Casanova, H. Gomez, B. Yesiltas, A. Fernandes de Carvalho, B. Martinez Lopez, Oil-in-water emulsion stabilized by hydrolysed black soldier fly larvae proteins: reproduction of experimental data via phase-field modelling, Journal of Food Engineering, 387, 112331, 2025.
115 - B. Blanco, R. Palma, M. Hurtado, G. Jimenez, C. Grinan-Lison, J. Melchor, J.A. Marchal, H. Gomez, G. Rus, Modeling low-intensity ultrasound mechanotherapy impact on growing cancer stem cells, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 228, 87-102, 2025.
114 - A. Paspunurwar, H. Gomez, Decoding complex transport patterns in flow-induced autologous chemotaxis of multicellular systems, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 24, 197-212, 2024.
113 - S.R. Bhopalam, J. Bueno, H. Gomez, Fibrotaxis: gradient-free, spontaneous and controllable droplet motion on soft solids, Soft Matter, 20, 9301, 2024.
112 - A. Paspunurwar, A. Moure, H. Gomez,, Dynamic cluster field modeling of collective chemotaxis, Scientific Reports, 14, 25162, 2024.
111 - M. de Lucio, Y. Leng, H. Wang, P.P. Vlachos, H. Gomez, Modeling drug transport and absorption in subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies: Impact of tissue deformation, devices, and physiology, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 661, 124446, 2024.
110 - K. Feng, J. Eshraghi, P.P. Vlachos, H. Gomez, Simulation of bubble oscillations in cavitation-induced acoustic fields, Physics of Fluids, 36, 053305, 2024.
109 - G. Lorenzo, J.S. Heiselman, M.A. Liss, M.I. Miga, H. Gomez, T.E. Yankeelov, A. Reali, T.J.R. Hughes, A pilot study on patient-specific computational forecasting of prostate cancer growth during active surveillance using an imaging-informed biomechanistic model, Cancer Research Communications, 4(3), 617-633, 2024.
108 - S.R. Bhopalam, J. Bueno, H. Gomez, Fibrotaxis: gradient-free, spontaneous and controllable droplet motion on soft solids, Soft Matter, 20, 9301-9311, 2024.
107 - G. Lorenzo, S.R. Ahmed, D.A. Hormuth, B. Vaughn, J. Kalpathy-Cramer, L. Solorio, T.E. Yankeelov, H. Gomez, Patient-specific, mechanistic models of tumor growth incorporating artificial intelligence and big data, Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering, 26, 529-560, 2024.
106 - Z. Huang, H. Wang, L. Chen, H. Gomez, B. Li, C. Cao, A meshfree phase-field model for simulating the sintering process of particles, Engineering with Computers, 40, 2241-2257, 2024.
105 - S. Mukherjee, H. Gomez, Mixtures of phase-transforming fluids and gases: Phase-field model and stabilized isogeometric discretization, Computers & Fluids, 271, 106176, 2024.
103 - A. Srinivasan, A. Moure, H. Gomez, Computational modeling of flow-mediated angiogenesis: Stokes-Darcy flow on a growing vessel network, Engineering with Computers, 40, 741-759, 2024.
102 - H. Wang, T. Hu, Y. Leng, M. de Lucio, H. Gomez, Stabilized isogeometric formulation of the multi-network poroelasticity and transport model (MPET2) for subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 417, Part B, 116362, 2023.
101 - S. Mukherjee, H. Gomez, Stabilized formulation for phase-transforming flows with special emphasis on cavitation inception, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 415, 116228, 2023.
100 - T. Hu, H. Wang, H. Gomez, Direct van der Waals simulation (DVS) of phase-transforming fluids, Science Advances, 9, eadg3007, 2023.
99 - M. de Lucio, Y. Leng, H. Wang, A.M. Ardekani, P.P. Vlachos, G. Shi, H. Gomez, Computational model of the effect of pinch and stretch on subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies using autoinjector devices, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 22, 1965-1982, 2023.
98 - B. Blanco, H. Gomez, J. Melchor, R. Palma, J. Soler, G. Rus, Mechanotransduction in tumor growth modeling, Physics of Life Reviews, 44, 279-301, 2023.
97 - H. Wang, T. Hu, Y. Leng, M. de Lucio, H. Gomez, MPET2: A multi-network poroelastic and transport theory for predicting absorption of monoclonal antibodies delivered by
subcutaneous injection, Drug Delivery, 30(1), 2163003, 2023.
96 - M. de Lucio, Y. Leng, A. Hans, I. Bilionis, M. Brindise, A.M. Ardekani, P.P. Vlachos, H. Gomez, Modeling large-volume subcutaneous injection of monoclonal
antibodies with anisotropic porohyperelastic models and data-driven tissue layer geometries, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 138, 105602, 2023.
95 - E. Rahimi, H. Gomez, A.M. Ardekani, Transport and distribution of biotherapeutics in different tissue layers after subcutaneous injection, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 626, 122125, 2022.
94 - S. Mukherjee, H. Gomez, Effect of dissolved gas on the tensile strength of water, Physics of Fluids, 34, 126112, 2022.
93 - G. Lorenzo, N. di Muzio, C.L. Deantoni, C. Cozzarini, A. Fodor, A. Briganti, F. Montorsi, V.M. Pérez-García, H. Gomez, A. Reali, Patient-specific forecasting of
post-radiotherapy prostate-specific antigen kinetics enables early prediction of biochemical relapse, iScience, 25, 105430, 2022.
92 - Y. Leng, P.P. Vlachos, R. Juanes, H. Gomez, Cavitation in a soft porous material, PNAS Nexus, 1, 1-7, 2022.
91 - Y. Leng, H. Wang, M. de Lucio, H. Gomez, Mixed-dimensional multi-scale poroelastic modeling of adipose tissue for subcutaneous injection, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2022.
90 - S.R. Bhopalam, J. Bueno, H. Gomez, Elasto-capillary fluid-structure interaction with compound droplets, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022.
89 - Y. Leng, T. Hu, S.R. Bhopalam, H. Gomez, Numerical solutions of a gradient-elastic Kirchhoff plate model on convex and concave geometries using isogeometric analysis, Journal of Mechanics, 38, 238-249, 2022.
88 - A. Moure, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Inverting angiogenesis with interstitial flow and chemokine matrix-binding affinity, Scientific Reports, 12:4237, 2022.
87 - Y. Leng, X. Tian, L. Demkowicz, H. Gomez, J.T. Foster, A Petrov-Galerkin method for nonlocal convection-dominated diffusion problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 452, 110919, 2022.
86 - T. Hu, Y. Leng, H. Gomez, A novel method to impose boundary conditions for high-order partial differential equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 391, 114526, 2022.
85 - E. Rahimi, S. Aramideh, D. Han, H. Gomez, A. Ardekani, Transport and lymphatic uptake of monoclonal antibodies after subcutaneous injection, Microvascular Research, 139, 104228, 2022.
84 - Y. Leng, A.M. Ardekani, H. Gomez, A poro-viscoelastic model for the subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 155, 104537, 2021.
83 - P. Colli, H. Gomez, G. Lorenzo, G. Marinoschi, A. Reali, E. Rocca, Optimal control of cytotoxic and antiangiogenic therapies on prostate cancer growth, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 31(7), 1419-1468, 2021.
82 - Y. Leng, M. de Lucio, H. Gomez, Using poro-elasticity to model the large deformation of tissue during subcutaneous injection, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 384, 113919, 2021.
81 - E. Haghighat, M. Raissi, A. Moure, H. Gomez, R. Juanes, A physics-informed deep learning framework for inversion and surrogate modeling in solid mechanics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 379, 113741, 2021.
80 - H. Casquero, C. Bona-Casas, D. Toshniwal, T.J.R. Hughes, H. Gomez, Y.J. Zhang, The divergence-conforming immersed boundary method: Application to vesicle and capsule dynamics, Journal of Computational Physics, 425, 109872, 2021.
79 - M. de Lucio, M. Bures, A. Ardekani, P. Vlachos, H. Gomez, Isogeometric analysis of subcutaneous injection of monoclonal
antibodies, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, 113550, 2021.
78 - A. Moure, H. Gomez, Phase-field modeling of individual and collective cell migration, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28:311-344, 2021.
77 - S. Mukherjee, H. Gomez, Understanding how non-condensable gases modify cavitation mass transfer through the van der Waals theory of capillarity, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 204102, 2020.
76 - A. Moure, H. Gomez, Influence of myosin activity and mechanical impact on keratocyte polarization, Soft Matter, 16, 5177, 2020.
75 - P. Colli, H. Gomez, G. Lorenzo, G. Marinoschi, A. Reali, E. Rocca, Mathematical analysis and simulation study of a phase-field model of prostate cancer growth with chemotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy effects, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 30(7), 1253--1295, 2020.
74 - G. Lorenzo, T.J.R. Hughes, A. Reali, and H. Gomez, A numerical simulation study of the dual role of 5α-reductase inhibitors on tumor growth in prostates enlarged by benign prostatic hyperplasia via stress relaxation and apoptosis upregulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 362, 112843, 2020.
73 - H. Gomez, How heterogeneity drives tumor growth: A computational study, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 378, 20190244, 2020.
72 - A. Moure, H. Gomez, Dual role of the nucleus in cell migration on planar substrates, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19, 1491-1508, 2020.
71 - H. Gomez, M. Velay-Lizancos, Thin-film model of droplet durotaxis, European Physics Journal ST, 229, 265-273, 2020.
70 - J. Xu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Phase-field model of vascular tumor growth: Three-dimensional geometry of the vascular network and integration with imaging data, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 359, 112648, 2019.
69 - S. Mukherjee, H. Gomez, Flow and mixing dynamics of phase-transforming multicomponent fluids, Applied Physics Letters, 115, 104101, 2019.
68 - G. Lorenzo, V.M. Perez-Garcia, A. Marino, L.A. Perez-Romasanta, A. Reali, H. Gomez, Mechanistic model of PSA dynamics shows potential for personalised prediction of radiation therapy outcome, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16, 20190195, 2019.
67 - H. Gomez, M. Bures, A. Moure, A review on computational modelling of phase-transition problems, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 377, 20180203, 2019.
66 - G. Lorenzo, T.J.R. Hughes, P. Dominguez-Frojan, A. Reali, H. Gomez, Computer simulations suggest that prostate enlargement due to benign prostatic hyperplasia mechanically impedes prostate cancer growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(4), 1152-1161, 2019.
65 - A. Moure, H. Gomez, Three-dimensional simulation of obstacle-mediated chemotaxis, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17(5), 1243-1268, 2018.
64 - H. Casquero, Y.J. Zhang, C. Bona-Casas, L. Dalcin, H. Gomez, Non-body fitted fluid-structure interaction: Divergence-conforming B-splines, fully-implicit dynamics, and variational formulation, Journal of Computational Physics, 374, 625-653, 2018.
63 - G. Vilanova, M. Bures, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, Computational modelling suggests complex interactions between interstitial flow and tumour angiogenesis, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15, 20180415, 2018.
62 - J. Bueno, Y. Bazilevs, R. Juanes, H. Gomez, Wettability control of droplet durotaxis, Soft Matter, 14, 1417, 2018.
61 - F. Fahrendorf, L. De Lorenzis, H. Gomez, Reduced integration at superconvergent points in isogeometric analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 328, 390-410, 2018.
60 - J. Bueno, H. Casquero, Y. Bazilevs, H. Gomez, Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of elastocapillarity, Meccanica, 53(6), 1221-1237, 2018.
59 - G. Lorenzo, M. Scott, K. Tew, T.J.R. Hughes, H. Gomez, Hierarchically refined and coarsened splines for moving interface problems, with particular application to phase-field models of prostate tumor growth, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 319, 515-548, 2017.
58 - Y. Bazilevs, G. Moutsanidis, J. Bueno, K. Kamran, D. Kamensky, M.C. Hillman, H. Gomez, J.S. Chen, A new formulation for air-blast fluid-structure interaction using an immersed approach. Part II: Coupling of IGA and meshfree discretizations, Computational Mechanics, 60(1), 101-116, 2017.
57 - A. Moure, H. Gomez, Phase-field model of cellular migration: Three-dimensional simulations in fibrous networks, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 320, 162-197, 2017.
56 - H. Gomez, Quantitative analysis of the proliferative-to-invasive transition of hypoxic glioma cells, Integrative Biology, 9, 257, 2017.
55 - G. Vilanova, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, Computational modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 24(4), 1071-1102, 2017.
54 - J. Bueno, Y. Bazilevs, R. Juanes, H. Gomez, Droplet motion driven by tensotaxis, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13, 10-16, 2017.
53 - G. Vilanova, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, A mathematical model of tumour angiogenesis: growth, regression and regrowth, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14:20160918, 2017.
52 - H. Casquero, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Reali, J. Kiendl, H. Gomez, Arbitrary-degree T-splines for isogeometric analysis of fully nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love shells, Computer-Aided Design, 82, 140-153, 2017, 2017.
51 - H. Casquero, C. Bona-Casas, H. Gomez, NURBS-based numerical proxies for red blood cells and circulating tumor cells in microscale blood flow, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316, 646-667, 2017.
50 - J. Xu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Full-scale, three-dimensional simulation of early-stage tumor growth: The onset of malignancy, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 314, 126-146, 2017.
49 - G. Lorenzo, M. Scott, K. Tew, T.J.R. Hughes, Y.J. Zhang, L. Liu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Tissue-scale, personalized modeling and simulation of prostate cancer growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(48), E7663-E7671, 2016.
48 - A.I. Chervanyov, H. Gomez, U. Thiele, Effect of orientational relaxation on the collective motion of patterns formed by self-propelled particles, European Physics Letters, 115(6), 68001, 2016.
47 - A. Moure, H. Gomez, Computational model for amoeboid motion: Coupling membrane and cytosol dynamics, Physical Review E, 94, 042423, 2016.
46 - R. Dhote, H. Gomez, R. Melnik, J. Zu, Effect of aspect ratio and boundary conditions in modeling shape memory alloy nanostructures with 3D coupled dynamic phase-field theories, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 3647470, 2016.
45 - J. Kiendl, M. Ambati, L. De Lorenzis, H. Gomez, A. Reali, Phase-field description of brittle fracture in plates and shells, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 312, 374-394, 2016.
44 - H. Gomez, L. De Lorenzis, The variational collocation method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 309, 152-181, 2016.
43 - J. Bueno, H. Gomez, Liquid-vapor phase transformations with surfactants. Phase-field model and isogeometric analysis, Journal of Computational Physics, 321, 797-818, 2016.
42 - L. Liu, H. Casquero, H. Gomez, Y. Zhang, Hybrid-degree weighted T-splines and their application to isogeometric analysis, Computers & Fluids, 141, 42-53, 2016.
41 - J. Xu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, A mathematical model coupling tumor growth and angiogenesis, PLoS ONE, 11(2): e0149422, 2016.
40 - H. Gomez, K. van der Zee, Computational phase-field modeling, Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, 2017.
39 - H. Casquero, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Reali, H. Gomez, Isogeometric collocation using analysis-suitable T-splines of arbitrary degree, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 301, 164-186, 2016.
38 - J. Bueno, I. Starodumov, H. Gomez, P. Galenko, D. Alexandrov, Three dimensional structures predicted by the modified phase field crystal equation, Computational Materials Science, 111, 310-312, 2016.
37 - J. Liu, C.M. Landis, H. Gomez, T.J.R. Hughes, Liquid-vapor phase transition: Thermomechanical theory, entropy stable numerical formulation, and boiling simulations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 297, 476-553, 2015.
36 - R. Dhote, K. Behdinan, H. Gomez, Dynamic multiaxial behaviors of 3D shape memory alloy nanowires: a phase-field study, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 23(11), 1335-1342, 2016.
35 - H. Casquero, L. Liu, C. Bona-Casas, Y. Zhang, H. Gomez, A hybrid Galerkin-collocation immersed method for fluid-structure interaction using unstructured T-Splines, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 105, 855-880, 2016.
34 - R. Dhote, H. Gomez, R. Melnik, J. Zu, Shape memory alloy nanostructures with coupled dynamic thermo-mechanical effects, Computer Physics Communications, 192, 48-53, 2015.
33 - R. Dhote, H. Gomez, R. Melnik, J. Zu, 3D coupled thermo-mechanical phase-field modeling of shape memory alloy dynamics via isogeometric analysis, Computers & Structures, 154, 48-58, 2015.
32 - J. Bueno, C. Bona-Casas, Y. Bazilevs, H. Gomez, Interaction of complex fluids and solids: Theory, algorithms and application to phase-change-driven implosion, Computational Mechanics, 55(6), 1105-1118, 2015.
31 - H. Casquero, C. Bona-Casas, H. Gomez, A NURBS-based immersed methodology for fluid-structure interaction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 284, 943-970, 2015.
30 - A. Reali, H. Gomez, An isogeometric collocation approach for Bernoulli-Euler beams and Kirchhoff plates, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 284, 623-636, 2015.
29 - H. Gomez, A. Reali, G. Sangalli, Accurate, efficient and (iso)geometrically flexible collocation methods for phase-field models, Journal of Computational Physics, 262, 153-171, 2014.
28 - G. Vilanova, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, Coupling of discrete random walks and continuous modeling for three-dimensional tumor-induced angiogenesis, Computational Mechanics, 53, 449-464, 2014.
27 - R. Dhote. H. Gomez, R. Melnik, J. Zu, Isogeometric analysis of a dynamic thermo-mechanical phase-field model applied to shape memory alloys, Computational Mechanics, 53, 1235-1250, 2014.
26 - B. Gonzalez, H. Gomez, I. Romero, A thermodynamically consistent method for a phase-field model of solidification, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19(7), 2309-2323, 2014.
25 - G. Vilanova, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, Capillary networks in tumor angiogenesis: From discrete endothelial cells to averaged phase-field descriptions via isogeometric analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 29, 1015-1037, 2013.
24 - P.K. Galenko, H. Gomez, N.V. Kropotin, K.R. Elder, Unconditionally stable method and numerical solution of the hyperbolic phase-field crystal equation, Physical Review E, 88, 013310, 2013.
23 - U. Thiele, A.J. Archer, M.J. Robbins, H. Gomez, E. Knobloch, Localized states in the conserved Swift-Hohenberg equation with cubic nonlinearity, Physical Review E, 87, 042915, 2013.
22 - R. Dhote, H. Gomez, R. Melnik, J. Zu, Isogeometric analysis of coupled thermo-mechanical phase-field models for shape memory alloys using distributed computing, Procedia Computer Science, 18, 1068-1076, 2013.
21 - J. Liu, H. Gomez, J.A. Evans, T.J.R. Hughes, C.M. Landis, Functional entropy variables: A new methodology for deriving thermodynamically consistent algorithms for complex fluids, with particular reference to the isothermal Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 248, 47-86, 2013.
20 - H. Gomez, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, R. Juanes, Three-dimensional simulation of unstable gravity-driven infiltration of water into a porous medium, Journal of Computational Physics, 238, 217-239, 2013.
19 - R. Dhote, H. Gomez, R. Melnik, J. Zu, Phase-field dynamic modeling of shape memory alloys based on isogeometric analysis, Advances in Science and Technology, 78, 63-68, 2013.
18 - X. Nogueira, B. Taylor, H. Gomez, I. Colominas, M.R. Mackley, Experimental and computational modeling of oscillatory flow within a baffled tube containing periodic tri-orifice baffled geometries, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 49, 1-17, 2013.
17 - H. Gomez, X. Nogueira, An unconditionally energy-stable method for the phase-field crystal equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 249-252, 52-61, 2012.
16 - G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, I. Colominas, A numerical study based on the finite element method of a multiscale continuun model of tumor angiogenesis, Journal of Biomechanics, 45, S466-Supplement 1, 2012.
15 - H. Gomez, X. Nogueira, A new space-time discretization for the Swift-Hohenberg equation that strictly respects the Lyapunov functional, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17, 4930-4946, 2012.
14 - H. Gomez, T.J.R. Hughes, Provably unconditionally stable, second-order time accurate, mixed variational methods for phase-field models, Journal of Computational Physics, 230, 5310-5327, 2011.
13 - H. Gomez, J. Paris, Numerical simulation of asymptotic states of the damped Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, Physical Review E, 83, 046702, 2011.
12 - X. Nogueira, S. Khelladi, I. Colominas, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, J. Paris, H. Gomez, High-resolution finite-volume methods on unstructured grids for turbulence and aeroacoustics, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 18(3), 315-340, 2011.
11 - H. Gomez, T.J.R. Hughes, X. Nogueira, V. Calo, Isogeometric analysis of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199:1828-1840, 2010.
10 - H. Gomez, I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, J. Paris, M. Casteleiro, A hyperbolic theory for advection-diffusion problems: Mathematical foundations and numerical modeling, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 17, 191-211, 2010.
9 - X. Nogueira, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, Implicit large eddy simulation of non-wall-bounded turbulent flows based on the multiscale properties of a high-order finite volume method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199:615-624, 2010.
8 - X. Nogueira, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, I. Colominas, H. Gomez, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, On the accuracy of finite volume methods and discontinuous Galerkin discretizations for compressible flow problems on unstructured meshes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 78:1553-1584, 2009.
7 - H. Gomez, V. Calo, Y. Bazilevs, T.J.R. Hughes, Isogeometric Analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197:4333-4352, 2008.
6 - H. Gomez, I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, A hyperbolic model for convection-diffusion transport problems in CFD: Numerical analysis and applications, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias: Serie A: Matematicas, 102:319-335, 2008.
5 - H. Gomez, I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, A mathematical model and a numerical model for hyperbolic mass transport in compressible flows, Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, 2008.
4 - F. Navarrina, I. Colominas, M. Casteleiro, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, H. Gomez, J. Fe, A. Soage, A numerical model for the transport of salinity in estuaries, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 56:507-523, 2008.
3 - H. Gomez, I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, Un nuevo enfoque para el tratamiento de los terminos difusivos de la ecuacion de conveccion-difusion en el metodo de Galerkin discontinuo, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 23:343-362, 2007.
2 - H. Gomez, I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, A discontinuos Galerkin method for a hyperbolic model for convection-diffusion problems in CFD, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71:1342-1364, 2007.
1 - H. Gomez, I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro, A finite element formulation for a convection-diffusion model based on Cattaneo's law, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196:1757-1766, 2007.