MSE 36700 Materials Processing Laboratory

Credits and Contact Hours: 3 credits. Weekly Schedule for 15 weeks: two 50 minute lectures, one 3 hour laboratory session.

Instructors or Course Coordinators: C. Martinez, C. Davis, K. Sandhage.

Textbook: No required textbook.

Specific Course Information

  1. Catalog Description: This laboratory is intended as an intensive experience in processing techniques used for ceramics, metals, and polymers. Sintering of a ceramic, casting and post-processing (work hardening, heat treatment, etc.) of a metal, and preparation and extrusion of a polymer are typical of the processes examined in this laboratory. The measurements (e.g., powder particle size, compaction, force, temperature, grain size, molecular weight, density) applicable to the successful processing of the material and the final properties (e.g., hardness, ductility, strength, stiffness) will be emphasized.
  2. Prerequisites: MSE 26000 & MSE 23500
  3. Course Status: MSE 36700 is a required course.

Specific Goals for the Course

1. All Students

A. Demonstrate the use of a variety of processing techniques for metals, ceramics, and polymers and to identify the changes in microstructure and properties they cause.  Examples:

  • Describe the use and internal workings of processing equipment.
  • Describe changes in microstructure and properties of a metal alloy through casting, deformation and heat treat processes.

B. Demonstrate effective written communication in lab reports. Examples:

  • Include required subsections in reports
  • Present data in laboratory reports via Tables, Plots and Figures.

C. Demonstrate effective oral communication in final project presentation. Examples:

  • Accurately present basic description of the materials being studied, the processing steps necessary to take the starting materials and create the desired end material and structure.

2. Most Students

A. Characterize the physical mechanisms that underlie the basic interactions between macroscopic shaping processes and microstructure development for the core bulk processing routes of each of the main classes of materials and how they relate to properties. Examples:

  • Are able to describe how cooling of a thermoplastic polymer at different rates in extrusion affects crystallinity which in turn affects modulus.
  • Are able to describe how different cold-rolling strains giving different cold-work degrees affecting hardness.
  • Are able to describe the effects of dispersant on the stability of ceramic suspensions and how binder concentration affects green and final bulk density.

B. Assess validity of experimental data and recognize experimental factors affecting data. Examples:

  • Can ask and answer question, “Do experimental values make sense relative to expected values?”
  • Can ask and answer question, “How does thickness variation or presence of pores affect tensile strength values?”

C. Identify specific processing capabilities and limitations for the main classes of materials.  Examples:

  • describe trade-offs of complex shapes and coarse microstructures in metal casting
  • describe why simple shapes are required for molecular alignment in polymers.
  • describe the relationship between formability/densification.

Relation of Course to Student Outcomes:

(MSE-3, ABET-3) an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

(MSE-6, ABET-6) an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

Topics Covered: Metals: solidification, hardness and deformation, recrystallization; Polymers: crystallization, extrusion, injection molding, mechanical behavior; Ceramics: powder sizing, suspension dispersion and rheology, tape casting, densification.