Registration Fall 2025

All EEE undergraduate students (not graduating in May or August): This newsletter covers specific instructions for required meetings and steps for registration. Students must complete the annual EEE Student Experience survey and meet with their assigned EEE Faculty Mentor before they will receive access to their primary advisor's BoilerConnect Registration Advising Appointment calendar. The EEE Faculty Mentor meeting must be completed first!! Please carefully read this entire newsletter.


It is time to prepare for Fall 2025 registration. Students will request courses using the Course Request Form (CRF) via the Pre-Registration (batch) process. To support the goal of providing all students with a working schedule, students are encouraged to list as many alternative courses on the CRF as possible. Consideration will be given to priority populations, upper-class students based on credit hours applied toward degree requirements, and vital courses identified by the advisor. If a student does not submit their CRF prior to the deadline, they must wait for Open Registration that begins April 28.

Important Dates & Steps to Meet All Deadlines-

  • Now through March 28 - EEE Mentor meeting; recommended deadline to avoid appointment bottlenecks between Mentor and Advisor

  • Post-Mentor meeting through April 15 - EEE Registration Advising Appointment with primary advisor; Students will NOT receive the email invitation to make their BoilerConnect Registration Advising Appointment until they complete the annual  **EEE Student Experience Survey**  and the EEE Undergraduate Office receives the Mentor's email documenting completion of the Mentor meeting.  Students should receive their advisor's email within 2-3 business days after the Faculty Mentor meeting occurs. Do not make an appointment with your advisor until you receive the email invite since there is form work that needs to be completed and this takes 2-3 business days. 

  • March 17 – Fall 2025 Schedule of Classes released; check for course availability and time conflicts 

  • April 15, 5PM - CRF Submit Deadline; how to submit CRF With Pre-Loaded Courses from Advisor video

  • April 24, 5PM - Schedules released for all students that met CRF deadline

  • April 28-30 Open Registration Time Tickets begin to open across these 3 daysScheduling Assistant opens. Your time ticket - found in myPurdue>Register for Classes card>Registration Status & Time ticket. 

EEE students are required to take the following steps -

  1. Complete the annual EEE Student Experience Survey

  2. Submit EEE Mentor Formthen meet with EEE Faculty Mentor to discuss it

  3. Complete Registration Advising Appointment with primary advisor (you will receive email invite link 2-3 business days after meeting with Mentor) 

  4. Finalize and Submit CRF

How to Prepare for Mentor meeting-

  • Check your EEE Faculty Mentor (some assignments have changed) - Faculty Mentors are shown in BoilerConnect; listed on the right, under your picture where it says, “Your Success Team.”

  • Email Faculty Mentor to request a meeting; find contact info here.  When corresponding be professional and courteous. Propose multiple times on multiple days across a few weeks. Allow plenty of time for maximum flexibility since last-minute requests are rarely successful. Meetings may be virtual or in person.

  • EEE Mentor Form - Thoughtfully complete and submit the online form prior to the Mentor meeting. Make sure to select the form that corresponds to your entrance date to Purdue.  It will guide you to identify EEE Selective and Technical Elective choices, and consider how they support your career interests. Aids to help are EEE Career Pathways and Recently Offered Course Reference.  Review How to Identify Prerequisites and Restrictions of desired courses, and adjust as needed.

    • Upon submission this online platform generates an email to the mentor, student and EEE advisors with Subject: EEE MENTOR FORM Keep this email.

    • At conclusion of meeting, request that your Mentor immediately ‘reply all’ to that original email to document your meeting and to note any recommendations, reminders or questions to you or your EEE advisor in the body of the email.

How to Prepare for Registration Advising Appointment with EEE Advisor

  • Complete the annual EEE Student Experience Survey and mentoring steps noted above - Students will not receive the email invitation to make Registration Advising Appointment in BoilerConnect until the EEE Undergraduate Office receives documentation of survey completion and the Mentor's email documenting meeting completion.

  • Schedule Registration Appointment – After the EEE Mentor meeting all students will receive a BoilerConnect email notification from their advisor with instructions and a link to their calendar to make an appointment. Select a time that works with your schedule. 

  • Review MyPurduePlan – note any discrepancies or questions. Identify desired courses for enrollment. It is your responsibility to make sure you meet all degree requirements prior to graduation. See EEE Plan of Study.

  • Check myPurdue portal for Holds – go to myPurdue>Academic Profile card>Student Profile>click 'Holds' in upper right corner.  Instructions to address Holds.

  • Failure to fully prepare for your meeting may result in your Registration appointment being cancelled.

Pre-Registration Help

The office of the registrar has put together lots of useful info to guide students. Go to and click on the Pre-Registration tab on the side. Many resources live on this page. Just a few are highlighted below: 

Student FAQs

Student FAQs Post Batch Registration

University Core Placeholders

How to enter a free time request as an attempt to reserve time for work or extra-curricular commitments. Requests are not considered "hard stops" when the schedule is built, but an attempt is made to honor the request.