Scholarships and Aid Opportunities


We're Dedicated to You and Your Future. In the College of Engineering, we're dedicated to your success. We and our engineering programs offer numerous forms of aid, so that you can be free to achieve your goals.

Scholarship Opportunities at Purdue:

Current B.S. EEE students may contact Tammi Thayer to learn about any potential opportunities for financial assistance.

Current engineering students are encouraged to learn more about the scholarship cycle at Purdue, as well as broader scholarship and funding opportunities that exist within College of Engineering schools and programs, along with external opportunities offered by engineering professional organizations, and web-based search engines.  To learn more, visit the College of Engineering Scholarships & Financial Aid page.

Division of Financial Aid (DFA) - Visit the DFA website for basic information, such as how to apply for aid, types of aid and covering remaining costs.  View current scholarships and grants available to Purdue University students here.  In particular, note the ScholarshipUniverse section that details a new tool that makes finding and applying to both Purdue scholarships and external scholarships easier. ScholarshipUniverse is a matching system that maximizes scholarship opportunities for students. It allows students to create an academic profile that enables them to connect with various internal and external scholarship opportunities. Updating the student profile criteria regularly will ensure students are seeing all external scholarships for which they qualify.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) - Federal Student Aid plays a central and essential role in supporting postsecondary education by providing money for college to eligible students and families. Purdue's Division of Financial Aid offers details on the process. April 15 is the standard FAFSA priority filing date. File a FAFSA regardless of financial circumstances to create eligibility for low interest student loans.

National and International Scholarships Office (NISO) – NISO, which is a part of the Purdue University Honors College, is available to serve all Purdue students. They assist students who have excellent academic records in their scholarly development to apply for any of the 13 highly selective national and international awards that require a nomination by Purdue. To explore the major scholarships and fellowships NISO coordinates, visit the NISO website at, go to Duhme Hall Room 134 or call 496-3389 to schedule an appointment. In particular, EEE students may be interested in the Udall Scholarship, Harry S. Truman Scholarship, or Fulbright US Student Program. Other STEM relevant scholarships are the Astronaut Scholarship, Churchill Scholarship, and Goldwater Scholarship.

Outside Scholarship Opportunities:

Various professional organizations, companies and affiliations offer scholarships. A separate application is required for each scholarship. The process and deadline to apply varies by individual scholarship. Applications can be obtained via the sponsoring organization's website unless otherwise indicated.  For information about outside scholarship opportunities, please visit the Outside Scholarship Opportunities webpage.

Undergraduate Financial Aid

If you're starting your undergraduate engineering career at Purdue, we at the College of Engineering offer several scholarships to first-year students. As for upper-level students, if you're already accepted into an engineering program, please check with the people in the program to see about the scholarships they offer to their students.

As for other funding, such as federal loans and work-study programs, please visit the university's Division of Financial Aid. Information specific to undergraduate students, both from the United States and other countries, can be found on the Students page. The undergraduate admissions page also has useful information about undergraduate costs, financial aid and scholarships .

To find college-cost information, please visit the university's undergraduate admissions web page.