External Advisory Council
The External Advisory Council, initially called External Advisory Board, was established in late 2011; the first meeting of the Board was on campus in February 2012. The EAC includes members from environmental consulting firms, major industry, government, and academia. The EAC works closely with the EEE Head to advise on all aspects of the program and strategic growth as EEE launches new programs. The EAC meets twice yearly on campus and twice yearly via conference call.
EAC Members
Kristen Belcredi (BSChE 1987)
Senior VP Sustainability Services,
Keramida Environmental -
Glynis Boone (BSCH 2011)
Environmental, Safety, Heath Manager,
Evonik Corporation -
Rick Bossingham (BSEH 1984)
Environmental, Health and Safety Engineer,
Heartland Automotive -
Bruce Cooley (BSABE 2010)
Program Manager,
Citizens Energy Group -
Edward Copeland (BSCE 1983, MSCE 1988)
Principal Engineer, Vice President,
Arcadis -
Michael L. Foster (Purdue B.S. ChE 1981)
Senior Advisor, Global Environmental Affairs
Eli Lilly & Company -
Angela Jenkins (BSChE 1988, MSCE 1989)
Jenkins EHS Consulting, LLC -
Dianne Kaminsky (BSEEE 2013)
Senior Environmental Engineer in Environmental Services Global Practice
Burns & McDonnell -
Brad Kohlmeyer (BSME 1990)
Operations Integrity Management System Assessment Advisor,
Chair, Purdue EEE External Advisory Council -
Eric Larson (BSBS 1990, MSCE 1992)
Deputy Operations Manager,
BP -
Angie Martin (BSCE 1991)
Senior Vice President,
Heritage Environmental Services -
Lawrence Merritt (BSCE 1995)
Manager, Worldwide Environmental Support,
Ford -
Melissa Moran (BSME 1990)
Director of Community Programs,
The Nature Conservancy -
Jennifer L. Oetgen (BSE 1998)
Principal and Vice President,
Hussey Gay Bell -
Bernie Paul (BSE 1983)
B. Paul Consulting -
Ralph Roper (MSCE 1973, PhD EEE 1976)
Environmental Engineering Consultant -
Chris Rubak (MSCE 1984)
Senior Engineering Manager,
Waste Management, Inc. -
Vijay Suri
Global Head of Sales,
Eisenmann Corporation -
Gayle Thornton (BSIDE 1982)
Senior Executive Advisor,
Federal Aviation Administration -
Rob Threlkeld (BSCE 1998, MSCE 2000)
Global Manager - Sustainable Energy / Supply Reliability,
General Motors -
Cherlyn Tribble (BSE 1982)