Environmental and Ecological Engineering Plans of Study
Select the Plan of Study according to your assigned catalog term. A student’s catalog term is typically the semester you started at Purdue, and determines the criteria that applies to you. Students can find their catalog term at the top of their MyPurduePlan below the degree progress bar.
2024-25 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2024; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Technical Electives and Gen Ed Electives
2023-24 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2023; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Technical Electives and Gen Ed Electives
2022-23 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2022; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Technical Electives and Gen Ed Electives
2021-22 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2021; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Electives
2020-21 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2020; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Electives
2019-20 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2019; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Electives
2018-19 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2018; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Gen Ed Electives
2017-18 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2017; Supplemental Info for Selectives & Gen Ed Electives
2016-17 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2016
2015-16 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2015
2014-15 Plan of Study; Resource Template 2014
Please direct any questions or concerns to the Associate Director of Advising in the EEE Office in POTR 364.