Contact EEE

Key EEE Personnel:

John W. Sutherland
Professor and Fehsenfeld Family Head, Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Nina L. Robinson, PhD
Administrative Director

Gene Ann Fausett
Director of Development College of Engineering

Lacy Gehmlich
Marketing and Communications Specialist

Michelle Indarjit
Senior Administrative Assistant (Graduate Program)

Steve Shade
Ball Brothers Director of Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives

Tammi Thayer
Associate Director for Advising (Undergraduate)

Jill Wable
Senior Administrative Assistant

Margaret Whelton
Manager of Industrial Experience

Nadya Zyaykia, PhD
Lab Manager

Mailing Address:

Purdue Environmental & Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
Potter Engineering Center, Room 364
500 Central Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2022
Phone: (765) 496-9697
Graduate Program Queries:

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