Environmental AND ECOlogical Engineering

STUDENT success



Environmental and Ecological Engineering launches a modern approach to environmental engineering. Rather than only considering conventional waste emission treatment, we use a broad systems perspective to address environmental issues, with a focus on ecological interactions and resilient designs that take into account complexity and connectivity between systems. We chose the name to highlight these aspects of out unique program relative to similar programs. The BS in Environmental and Ecological Engineering is the only degree at Purdue that is accredited in Environmental Engineering by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

In the undergraduate curriculum, topics include systems modeling, urban ecology, industrial sustainability, environmental modeling and remediation, and life-cycle analysis. EEE also requires coursework in advanced math, statistics and other engineering fundamentals.

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$68,789 Average Starting Salary

within 6 months of graduation

97% Average Placement Rate

in industry or graduate school

career pathways in Environmental and ecological engineering

More information about EEE pathways.

Classic Environmental Engineering Services
Ecosystem & Habitat Restoration Engineering
Industrial Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility

Non-profit & Government
Renewable energy & Climate
Urban Systems Planning & Green Infrastructure
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top employers

Black & Veatch
Citizens Energy Group
Environmental Solutions & Innovations, INC.
Indiana Department of Environmental Managemant (IDEM)
Procter & Gamble
U.s. Army Corps of Engineers
General Motors

top industries

Community & Non-profit
Engineering Services
Government& Military
Educational Services
Manufacturing & machinery
Renewables & Environmental