
October 8, 2024

Researchers create orientation-independent magnetic field-sensing nanotube spin qubits

Tongcang Li, a professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering, leads a team that has developed the BNNTs with optically active spin qubits. "BNNT spin qubits are more sensitive to detecting off-axis magnetic fields than a diamond nitrogen-vacancy center, which is primarily sensitive to fields that are parallel to its axis, but not perpendicular," Li said. "BNNTs also are more cost-effective and offer more resilience than brittle diamond tips."
October 1, 2024

How AI could help with counterfeit chip detection

"Our scheme opens a large opportunity for the adoption of deep learning-based anti-counterfeit methods in the semiconductor industry," said Alexander Kildishev, professor at Purdue University.
September 17, 2024

AI Coding Is Going From Copilot to Autopilot

Peter Bermel, a professor of computer engineering at Purdue University, said one reason students avoid semiconductor engineering degrees is because they have a reputation for being "very hard," especially in terms of mathematical requirements. "In general, that's been a huge barrier; to keep people on the path," Bermel said.
September 10, 2024

CUDA, Woulda, Shoulda: How This Platform Helps Nvidia Dominate AI

Nvidia played a major role in developing graphics processors, which were designed for heavy-duty calculations.

"When we say they are simpler, they are not complex; there's nuance to it," Anand Raghunathan, Silicon Valley chair professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University, told Investor's Business Daily. "They are complex in the sense that the amount of computation needed is massive, it's tremendous."
August 28, 2024

Cracking a cold case with AI? Tech volunteers try to solve an IMPD investigation

Purdue University associate professor Jing Gao with the School of Engineering, who studies artificial intelligence, said AI can be used at many stages in the criminal justice system. According to Gao, who also researches the technology's trustworthiness, AI is only as good as its model creators. It uses historical data to answer questions, but historical data is rooted in bias.
August 27, 2024

These Levitating Nanodiamonds Are the World's Smallest Disco Balls

In the past, experiments with these floating diamonds had trouble preventing their loss in a vacuum and reading out the spin qubits, said Tongcang Li, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and physics and astronomy professor at Purdue, in a statement. However, in our work, we successfully levitated a diamond in a high vacuum using a special ion trap. For the first time, we could observe and control the behavior of the spin qubits inside the levitated diamond in high vacuum."
July 29, 2024

Nebraska’s EV conundrum: Charging options can get you places, but future will require growth

Range anxiety - the fear of not making it to the next charger before the battery dies - is widely cited as a major barrier to American EV ownership. This anxiety can be lessened in two ways: increasing battery size, which also drives up vehicle cost, or adding charging locations, said Steve Pekarek, a Purdue University professor specializing in power systems for EVs.
July 23, 2024

Chip makers wanted: Inside semiconductor bootcamp

Purdue Summer Training, Awareness, and Readiness for Semiconductors (STARS) is an eight-week program that will be offered in summer 2024 to develop deep-tech skills like IC design, fabrication, and packaging, and semiconductor device and materials characterization. The STARS program has three tracks: chip design, semiconductor manufacturing, and advanced system integration and packaging.
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