Purdue’s HKN receives Outstanding Chapter Award

For the sixth straight year, the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors has selected the Beta Chapter of Purdue University to receive the Outstanding Chapter Award. This prestigious award is presented to IEEE-HKN Chapters in recognition of excellence in their Chapter administration and programs. Just 21 Chapters out of 273 were recognized for their work during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Chapters are selected based on their activities, community service and outreach, and the impact they have had on their Department, University, and community. Of vital concern to the Outstanding Chapter Awards evaluation committee are activities that advance professional development; raise instructional and institutional standards; encourage scholarship and creativity; provide a public service, and generally further the established goals of IEEE-HKN. Plaques will be presented March 17 at the IEEE-HKN Awards Reception during the 2024 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Head Association (ECEDHA) Annual Conference, to be held in Tucson, Arizona.
HKN is an Honor Society for students who excel in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Beta Chapter was formed at Purdue in 1905 and has since been continually recognized as one of the best HKN chapters. HKN Beta is best known at Purdue for the member-staffed HKN Student Lounge in the Max W & Maileen Brown Family Hall of Electrical Engineering (BHEE). The chapter also hosts companies for recruiting events, runs a student lab space, performs community service, and hosts weekly social events for members and friends It is co-advised by Steven D. Pekarek, Dr. Edmund O. Schweitzer, III Professor of ECE, and Niraj Menon, Instructional Lab Coordinator.
Membership in HKN is limited to the top third of seniors, the top fourth of juniors, and the top fifth of sophomores. Graduate students are also eligible for membership beginning in their second semester of graduate study.