Purdue engineering dean named an international fellow of Royal Swedish Academy

Mung Chiang, Purdue University’s John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering, has been elected one of seven international fellows of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2020.
Chiang will be invited to an induction meeting for new International Fellows in the spring. He and Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne are the only two elected international fellows from the United States this year. The academy also named 35 fellows in Sweden in various specialty divisions.
“IVA’s mission is to improve society through the promotion of the engineering and economic sciences and the advancement of business and industry,” said Tuula Teeri, president of IVA. “Knowledgeable and talented fellows are crucial in order for the academy to fulfill that mission. The recently inducted fellows – top names in the business community and recognized researchers – are a fantastic resource for the academy.”
Chiang joins 59 engineers and scientists as International Fellows of the Royal Swedish Academy from the U.S., including Purdue professors Jan-Anders Mansson and Byron Pipes, as well as Subra Suresh, the former National Science Foundation director and Carnegie Mellon University president, and Vint Cerf, a “father of the internet.”
The organization describes itself as building bridges between the business community, the public sector, academia and the political sphere. New fellows are inducted annually.
Source: Purdue engineering dean named an international fellow of Royal Swedish Academy