February 7, 2020

Prof. Dan Jiao selected as Intel Outstanding Research Award winner

Prof. Dan Jiao has been selected as one of Intel’s 2019 Outstanding Research Award winners. Annually, Intel recognizes the exceptional contributions made through Intel university-sponsored research with Outstanding Researcher Awards. Jiao is being recognized for her research on “Advanced Study of Nonlinear Signaling Analysis and Gen-2 Tool Development."
Dan Jiao
Dan Jiao, professor of electrical and computer engineering

Prof. Dan Jiao has been selected as one of Intel’s 2019 Outstanding Research Award winners. Annually, Intel recognizes the exceptional contributions made through Intel university-sponsored research with Outstanding Researcher Awards. Jiao is being recognized for her research on “Advanced Study of Nonlinear Signaling Analysis and Gen-2 Tool Development."

Jiao says she is honored to be selected for this award.

"Signaling analysis of nonlinear circuits has been a challenging research problem,” says Jiao. “I am grateful to Intel's vision in funding this research effort, and its appreciation of our research outcome.  I appreciate Intel's support and help that make this research successful."

Jiao is one of seven 2019 recipients. These distinguished researchers and technologists were nominated and selected by Intel's Corporate Research Council (CRC) and the Strategic Research Sector (SRC) committee. In selecting the award winners, careful consideration is given to the fundamental insights, technical difficulty, effective collaboration, potential student hiring, and industry relevance. Prof. Jiao will receive an Intel plaque recognizing this achievement.





