Prof. Vladimir Shalaev receives 2020 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids

Prof. Vladimir Shalaev, the Robert and Anne Burnett Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will receive the 2020 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids. The prize from the American Physical Society honors outstanding optical research that leads to breakthroughs in the condensed matter sciences. Shalaev is being recognized “for pioneering contributions to the discipline of composite optical materials and metamaterials, including seminal work on the understanding of nanoscale optical composites, and for developing metamaterials and metasurfaces for crucial photonics applications.”
Shalaev says he sees the award as appreciation of work performed by the students and postdocs on his team and the colleagues with whom they collaborate.
“In our research, we always are trying to select most challenging projects that promise big disruptive changes,” he says. “The honor also goes to Purdue, with its great education and research environment that supports and encourages work on creative, game-changing projects.”
The Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids is awarded biennially in even-numbered years as a memorial to Frank Isakson.