Prof. Shreyas Sen's group receives Best Student Paper Award at HOST, third year in a row

ECE student Debayan Das, representing a team from Purdue, received the Best Student Paper Award at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), held from May 6-10, 2019 in Mclean, Virginia. IEEE HOST is a premier conference on Hardware Security and this is the third successive year, Prof. Shreyas Sen’s group has received the conference's Best Paper/Poster Award.
Das presented the paper, titled “STELLAR: A Generic EM Side-Channel Attack Protection through Ground-Up Root-cause Analysis,” which he co-authored with Mayukh Nath, Baibhab Chatterjee, Santosh Ghosh and Shreyas Sen. The work is done at Purdue's SPARC Lab, along with collaborators from Emerging Security Lab, Intel Labs.

When ‘mathematically secure’ cryptographic cores are implemented on physical substrates they leak correlated information through unintended physical ‘side-channels’, such as power, electromagnetic(EM) radiation, acoustic, temperature etc. Side-channel attack (SCA) using electromagnetic (EM) radiation is a prominent tool to extract the secret key of an encryption device. This work investigates the root-cause behind the genesis of this EM leakage, presents the first ‘White-Box Model’ of EM Side-Channel Leakage and leverages it to develop an energy-efficient countermeasure using a signature attenuation hardware (SAH) to prevent such attacks on cryptographic ICs. More details can be found in the paper below:
Along with the recent Best Paper Award at CICC 2019 this is the fourth Best Paper/Poster Award SPARC Lab have received between May 2017 and May 2019.