Haowen (Zack) Xue

Haowen (Zack) Xue spent the Spring 2018 semester on co-op with China Telecom Americas in Herndon, VA

Name: Haowen (Zack) Xue

Birthplace: Yuncheng, Shanxi, China

Major: Computer Engineering

Student Classification: Senior

Name and location of company where you are an intern: China Telecom Americas in Herndon, VA

Job duties: China Telecom Americas is the largest international subsidiary of China Telecom Corporation Limited, as well as the only authorized re-seller of domestic Chinese telecom products to North American companies. I work in the Mobile Department in a Technical Support Internship (with software development and project management). Our team is in charge of all the products development on the software and operation associated with MVNO service . For me specifically, I have lead several pre-production API testing as well as in the production environment. Also I have involved with drafting and modification of the CRM(Customer Relation Management) system. 

Why did you want to do this internship/What do you hope to gain from the experience? When I received the offer from CTA, I was very excited but also a little anxious. After having a detailed discussion with ECE academic advisor Kimberly McClish, many of my concerns was resolved. This internship is a great opportunity for me to enter the telecommunication industry as well as to get first hand experience. I hope I can continue to grow as a Telecommunication Network Engineer. 

What are your ultimate career goals? I hope I can utilize what learned from Purdue and the experience from the internship to grow and develop on the engineering career path. As I enter the industry, I really realize that engineering is moving the world forward and making our lives better.


Check out more ECE co-op and internship spotlights here.