Rohan Bajaria

Rohan Bajaria (center) and co-workers at General Motors in Warren, Michigan

Name: Rohan Bajaria

Birthplace: Southfield, MI

Major: Electrical Engineering

Student Classification: Senior

Name and location of company where you are on co-op: General Motors in Warren,MI

Job duties: Automated Driving and Active Safety Systems - automated tool development, vehicle troubleshooting, active safety feature validation. My main assignment during my current co-op rotation involves developing a tool/Graphical User Interface that makes the active safety vehicle troubleshooting process significantly more efficient. I'm also involved in root causing issues related to Adaptive Cruise Control, Front/Rear Impact mitigation, and Lane Keep Assist.

Why did you want to do this co-op/What do you hope to gain from the experience? The co-op program allowed to me to gain valuable industry experience that supplemented my classes at Purdue. During the past two years, I have been able to acquire a vast amount of technical knowledge related to vehicle electrical systems and the latest autonomous vehicle technology. Applying the skills I have obtained in my classes to develop cutting-edge technologies has been a rewarding experience.

Have you done other co-ops as an ECE student? I have completed 5 co-op rotations with General Motors in other areas like Electric Power, Chassis Controls, and the Cadillac SuperCruise program at the Detroit-Hamtramck Plant

What are your ultimate career goals? After my undergrad I plan to pursue a graduate degree while striving to be a chief engineer at a major engineering company.


Check out more ECE co-op and internship spotlights here.