Graduate Student Vaibhav Jain wins 9th Annual Art in Science Award
Graduate student Vaibhav Jain has won the Ninth Annual Art in Science Award, sponsored by NIST and Lab on a Chip in the conference MicroTAS 2016, which is the largest microfluidics conference in the world. The award carried a cash prize of $2500, plus his research and photo will be featured on the cover of the journal Lab on a Chip, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The winner is selected on the basis of aesthetic eye appeal, artistic allure, and scientific merit.
In the same conference, Vaibhav was also awarded a CBMS Student/Young Researcher Grant, which is a cash prize of $1000 from the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. There were around 1000 participants, with 50 recipients. The stipend is intended to offset travel and registration costs for the MicroTAS Conference on a competitive basis.
Vaibhav is advised by Professor Babak Ziaie and Professor Cagri Savran.