March 15, 2015

Graduate Student Alice Jou wins 2nd place in SiRF student paper competition as part of 2015 IEEE Radio Wireless Week

Graduate Student Alice Jou
Graduate Student Alice Jou
Her paper is entitled "An Integrated Reconfigurable Tuner in 45nm CMOS SOI Technology." The co-authors of the paper are Chen Liu and Professor Saeed Mohammadi. She is advised by Professor Mohammadi.

Graduate student Alice Jou has won second place in the SiRF student paper competition as part of 2015 IEEE Radio Wireless Week (RWW) for her paper entitled "An Integrated Reconfigurable Tuner in 45nm CMOS SOI Technology." The co-authors of the paper are Chen Liu and Professor Saeed Mohammadi. Alice has previously won the Magoon Award for her teaching excellence in 2014 and the Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Award in 2014.

She is advised by Professor Mohammadi.