March 31, 2014

Graduate student Saad Omar receives 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Award

Graduate Student Saad Omar
Graduate Student Saad Omar
The selection committee commended Saad on his high-quality proposal titled "Linear (Optimal) Complexity Direct Volume Integral Equation Solvers for Large-Scale Electromagnetic Analysis." He is advised by Professor Dan Jiao.

Graduate student Saad Omar has received the 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Award.

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) awards up to ten PhD Research Awards each year. The selection committee evaluates each applicant based on the creativity and quality of his or her project proposal, academic record, advisor's recommendation letter, and potential for pursuing a career in electromagnetics. The selection committee commended Saad on his high-quality proposal titled "Linear (Optimal) Complexity Direct Volume Integral Equation Solvers for Large-Scale Electromagnetic Analysis." Saad will receive a US$2,500 fellowship. He is advised by Professor Dan Jiao.