June 26, 2014

Graduate student Raghu Chavali wins the Best Poster Award in 40th IEEE PVSC, 2014

Raghu Chavali
Raghu Chavali
Raghu Chavali wins the Best Poster Award in area 1 at the 40th IEEE PVSC, 2014, for his work on "Numerical Method to Separate the Photo Current and Contact Injection Current in Solar Cells".

Raghu Chavali wins the Best Poster Award in area 1 at the 40th IEEE PVSC, 2014, for his work on "Numerical Method to Separate the Photo Current and Contact Injection Current in Solar Cells". Also, he was the Best Student Paper Finalist in area 4 for his work on "Multi-Probe Characterization of Inversion Charge for Parameterization of HIT Cells", at the same conference. The IEEE PVSC conference this year hosted over 1500 attendees and received a total of 1117 abstracts.

Raghu Chavali is working towards his PhD on "Modeling and Characterization Approaches for Thin Film Hetero-junction Solar Cells". He is co-advised by Prof. Muhammad Alam and Prof. Jeffery Gray of ECE