November 16, 2010

Professor Supriyo Datta wins 2011 William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement.

Professor Supriyo Datta
Professor Supriyo Datta
The award honors an individual in recognition of outstanding achievement in scientific research and demonstrated ability to communicate the significance of this work to scientists in other disciplines.

Professor Supriyo Datta has been awarded the Sigma Xi's 2011 William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement.

Since 1950, the William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement has been awarded annually to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to scientific research and has demonstrated an ability to communicate the significance of this research to scientists in other disciplines.

The prize consists of a certificate of award, a Steuben glass sculpture and $5,000. In addition, each recipient is asked to designate a younger scholar, usually working in the same field, to receive a $5,000 Grant-in-Aid of Research award from the Procter Prize Fund. Presentation of the Procter Prize is traditionally a principal event at Sigma Xi's annual meeting, where the recipient delivers the Procter Prize Address.

Past Procter Prize recipients have included such noted scientists as Vannevar Bush, William Pickering, Margaret Mead, James Van Allen, Michael DeBakey, and Murray Gell-Mann and many others.

Sigma Xi's web site on Prof. Datta's award.