Purdue Clinical Research Center (CRC) Team
Dr. Dennis Savaiano, Director of the Purdue Clinical Research Center that provides bionutrition, dietary assessment and clinical services. Dr. Savaiano provides oversight for setting program standards and services; supervising staff; overall budget management; consultations with CTSI faculty scientists; overseeing integration with the CRC at Indianapolis; and serving on the CRC Advisory and Oversight Committees. Dr. Savaiano is a Professor of Nutrition Science.
Email: savaiano@purdue.edu

Wanda Stevens, Program Administrator, providing management oversight including budgeting and process activities for the center.
Email: wstevens@purdue.edu

Anne Wilcox, research dietitian and serves as the CTSI-dietary assessment center (DAC) supervisor. Her main responsibilities are to assist CRC investigators with the coordination and completion of ‘in real time’ dietary recall assessments using Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR). In addition, Ms. Wilcox provides education, instruction, training, and supervision to the undergraduate students who work within the DAC. She also is involved with completing dietary counseling for CRC investigator projects.
Email: akwilcox@purdue.edu
Amy Wright is the Research Dietitian/Bionutrition Manager for the Purdue University Clinical Research Center Metabolic Kitchen. She oversees all operations in the metabolic kitchen ranging from the development of macro and micronutrient-controlled feeding menus to the oversight of the implementation.
Email: amyjwright2@purdue.edu
Robin Rhine is the CRC manager, a certified phlebotomist, and a qualified medication aide. Her main responsibilities are to assist CRC investigators with clinical services and support in phlebotomy, intravenous catheter placement, serial blood draws, infusions/injections, protocol development, and reference lab tests. In addition, Ms. Rhine provides education, instruction, training, and supervision to the graduate and undergraduate students as well as lab managers/research assistants who utilize the CRC facility.
Email: rrhine@purdue.edu