BME News

September 17, 2024

Advancements in Sodium MRI for Cartilage Imaging

Purdue Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor Deva Chan and PhD candidate Cameron Villarreal have developed an approach for using a new technique for sodium magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) called the 3D dual-echo PETALUTE sequence to examine the health of articular cartilage in the knee. Their team tested this new method, developed by Dr. Uzay Emir, a collaborator at Purdue and now at UNC, against existing approaches to evaluate how well it could quantify glycosaminoglycans, a critical tissue component that can be measured by sodium content, within knee cartilage.
September 11, 2024

Boilermaker Pioneering Advances in Sound Measurement

The ability to accurately measure and understand auditory processing is critical for advancing treatments and interventions for a variety of neurological and auditory conditions. A new technique is pushing the boundaries of what we know about how the brain processes sound.
August 28, 2024

Exploring Innovation in Ireland

Biomedical Engineering student Lauren Culp concluded an impactful summer internship at Grifols Worldwide Operations in Dublin, Ireland. The internship provided Culp knowledge into the world of plasma products and services.
August 27, 2024

Taewoong Park receives the 2024 Ronald W. Dollens Scholarship

This financial award is granted based on academic merit with preference given to graduate students studying in the broad area of hybrid cardiovascular devices. In addition, students engaged in research related to implantable biomaterials design, drug-delivery systems and biochemical sensors.
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