Boilermaker Pioneering Advances in Sound Measurement

Ravinderjit Singh pictured in a suit
The ability to accurately measure and understand auditory processing is critical for advancing treatments and interventions for a variety of neurological and auditory conditions. A new technique is pushing the boundaries of what we know about how the brain processes sound.

A former Boilermaker, Ravinderjit Singh has presented a new technique that offers insight into the central auditory temporal processing system with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders, speech-in-noise processing and the effects of aging on auditory function.

The mod-TRF, a technique introduced by Singh, is a new technique that helps us see how our brain processes sound in detail. It looks at how sound is processed from the earliest stages in the brainstem all the way up to the cortex with high accuracy.

“We evaluated how the neural activity from brainstem to cortex changed with two different levels of attention and found higher demands of attention altered activity as early as the brainstem,” said Singh.

Overall, the mod-TRF is a powerful tool for studying auditory processing, offering new possibilities for research and treatment.

Learn more about this process here: