"Open for Business" – Mission critical corporate partnerships create industry-ready graduates and drive clinical translation at scale
Dozens of licensed technologies have advanced to the marketplace and directly improved the lives of millions of patients around the world. Key to this success is the depth and breadth of our industry as well as clinical partnerships.
Partnership opportunities abound
We seek to further partner with companies and clinicians who have a vested interest in developing novel medical technologies and training biomedical engineers to revolutionize healthcare. Learn about the many opportunities for partnering with the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering below and how such partnerships have made an impact.
Collaborate in research and development
The faculty and staff of the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering provide expertise in four signature research areas: Engineered Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Imaging, Instrumentation, and Quantitative Cellular and Systems Engineering. Learn more about how one unique academic-clinical-industry collaboration is shedding light on whether or not current treatments truly help people with a chronic stomach disorder.
Undertake contract testing and/or preclinical studies
The highly experienced Preclinical Studies Research Team at the Weldon School offers a wide variety of preclinical studies support capabilities. These include, but are not limited to, review of protocol applications, pre-study consultations, training support, pre-surgical and surgical study preparation, imaging, and post-surgical questions.
License technologies for further development
Through an array of company partners in the medical device, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical fields, licenses of clinical biomedical engineering technologies developed at Purdue have generated over $30 million in royalties. Learn how Purdue researchers are seeking a partner to help develop a low-cost, automated early detection sensor of preeclampsia.
Meet with faculty on campus to discuss research ideas
Field-defining translational research happens every day at the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, often involving powerhouse partnerships with industry, government, clinics, and academia. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you and hear more about your ideas for a research collaboration. Meanwhile, peruse the list of some 50 active research projects we have ongoing with just one of our strong partners, Indiana University School of Medicine.
Submit ideas for student senior design projects
Collaborations and partnerships are a vital part of our Senior Design Program. We welcome submissions of clinically-relevant project ideas via an online form. Our students greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn from and work with outstanding professionals in the biomedical field to help strengthen and validate their engineering design solutions. Learn more about our students’ recent senior design projects.
Mentor student research projects and design teams
If you would like to provide technical, clinical, or entrepreneurial mentorship to one of our student teams as they develop innovative solutions to pressing healthcare needs, please reach out to us. The mentor-mentee relationship that develops around student research is often mutually beneficial. Learn more about how clinical mentors advised biomedical engineering students on senior design projects.
Provide internship, co-op, and full-time employment opportunities
We are seeking corporate partners for our internship and co-op program, and we are committed to working closely with corporate partners to meet their needs. Learn more about the benefits of partnering with us to provide internships to our students on our Internship Program page. Also, learn about how our students have enjoyed internships at some nontraditional biomedical engineering companies, such as Apple and NASA’s Glenn Research Center.
Serve on graduate thesis committees
The input and mentorship that our clinical, industry, and healthcare partners provide to our graduate students by serving on their thesis committees is invaluable and provides these future leaders with the ability to work closely with experts in the field to advise and inform their research.
Give seminars, lectures in our courses
Our students benefit greatly from hearing about biomedical engineering and clinical best practices from engineers and practitioners working in the field. We have many opportunities for guests to speak in summer seminar, deliver a guest lecture, or participate in a networking luncheon.
Help provide graduate student fellowships and undergraduate scholarships
Endow a scholarship or fellowship, and you will empower future students seeking a world-class education at the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering. For example, the Fearnot-Laufman-Greatbatch Award was established by alumnus Neal E. Fearnot, president of MED Institute Incorporated and Cook Advanced Technologies, and vice president of Cook Group Incorporated. The prize goes to the doctoral student who gives the best presentation during summer seminar. Fearnot recognized the value of providing students with the opportunity to present their research after his own such experience as a graduate student.
Support facilities expansions via equipment donations
Weldon School faculty members and students have access to an uncommon suite of resources, specialized equipment, and laboratories for both education and research. The recent growth of our facility and our entire research and educational enterprise necessitates the purchase of new scientific, computer, and medical equipment.
Name laboratories and classrooms in the new Jischke Hall Wing
Naming opportunities are still available in the Innovation Wing, an $18M square foot addition to the Martin C. Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering. The Wing provides a nexus for collaborative applied research, technology innovation, both hands-on and online instruction, and outreach to company and healthcare partners. In addition, the new space provides translational research laboratories, including complete preclinical studies capabilities, an expanded multidisciplinary senior design lab, as well as state-of-the-art instructional spaces that support innovative active-learning. Learn more about the Innovation Wing.
For more information about how to start a new partnership or grow an existing one, contact Brian Knoy, Chief Development officer at the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at (765) 494-6241 or bjknoy@purdue.edu.